I am a gamer and looking for a cpu that can handle new games (2015 and newer) for my ASUS M4A89GTD PRO USB3

The 4100 and 6100 are the WORSE options for gaming.

OP your best options are the phenom x6 1090t, or phenom x4 965.

You will need to overclock them as well, so pick up a good aftermarket cpu cooler.
i run an 8350fx at 4.4gHz with this board. so you can go up to that cpu. or any lower that you can overclock. 9xxx series will probably not run. important: update to bios 3029 first! (only 3030+3029 support those, and 3029 is the stable one in overall performance). they dont support it officially but it works because the board has 8+2 power lanes and 140W+ tdp cpu support.