I am having trouble installing Windows 7

Scroll down to the diskpart instructions:


It's probably easier and more efficient to simply delete the partition that does not have your personal files on it and point the installation to the unallocated space that's left and allow windows to create the necessary partition and perform any formatting itself.

I'd surely have to agree with USAFret that obtaining another drive and backing up your data would be a damn good idea before proceeding, in the event there are any resulting issues with any procedure you may follow and just for general principals. But that's up to you.
What is on partition 2? Generally you should delete ALL existing partitions prior to installing. It shouldn't be mandatory unless the existing partition is a GBT partition and you're installing an MBR operating system, like windows 7. If you have data on the other partition I'd back it up elsewhere, delete all the partitions, install to the unallocated space and then recreate the partition later and move the data back if necessary. Again, what is on partition 2?

This is how clean installations should generally be accomplished:

Once you are at the same screen

press shift+F10


format the first partition with NTFS (usually volume 0) if unsure send another screenshot.

assign letter=c

make it active

try again to install to unallocated space.
It looks to me like there IS no unallocated space. I don't see any unallocated space allotted. Your procedure MIGHT work, but I'd probably just try to delete the first partition, and THEN point the installation to the unallocated space left behind by deleting that partition, WITHOUT creating a new partition. That should work, but again, I don't know if the prior installation was a Windows 8 GPT installation so there could potentially be issues I think with using disparate partitions on the same drive. Then again, there might not.

I'm not sure what exactly should i type after DISKPART...
Scroll down to the diskpart instructions:


It's probably easier and more efficient to simply delete the partition that does not have your personal files on it and point the installation to the unallocated space that's left and allow windows to create the necessary partition and perform any formatting itself.

I'd surely have to agree with USAFret that obtaining another drive and backing up your data would be a damn good idea before proceeding, in the event there are any resulting issues with any procedure you may follow and just for general principals. But that's up to you.
You may try this if you perform this correct you should be ok but as instructed before you must backup as situations like this are sometimes irreversible. Do not use 'clean' even though you have only selected volume. This will clean the whole drive!

list disk

select disk 0

list volume

select volume x (look at volume size and be carefull!!, If you are unsure take to someone who knows)

format fs=ntfs label=windows quick

assign letter=c


I did everything as you said, but, it still hasn't solved my problem.
Then you most likely have a partition table issue and will need to back up the data on the other partition, delete all the existing partitions, and perform the clean install as outlined in the link I provided above. As I said in the first place. Or, there is an issue with the drive itself.

You might want to run Seatools for DOS on the drive to test for issues. Run the Short drive self test and the long generic. It will take some time for the long generic to complete.

What was the reason for the new installation? Were you having issues with the system to begin with?

I still get the same error message when trying to install on that partition...

I did not have any issue.
I downloaded a non pirated version of Windows 7 provided by my school, and just wanted to replace my pirated version with it. :)

Then you need to
1. find somewhere to back up all your personal data
2. Do that
3. Boot from your school OS, and wipe the drive
4. Install the school OS on the wiped drive


Just do 3 & 4 above.
shogun202 beg, borrow, steal (well dont steal) for something to back up to, its not the end of the world loads of shops sell external HDD for cheap...if you want to save your data you must invest.