the reason is all three of my hard drives were damaged in less than two months each connected at a time for a week or two one of them is completely broken it is giving that clicking noise no important data on it so I won't even bother fixing it the other two i believe something is wrong with the circuit since the pc won't even recognize them but no clicking noise there one of them keeps on showing every now and then the other is completely dead so my question is can my PSU damage the hard drives ? by giving them too much or too little power ? or is it something else ?
i don't want to get a new Hard drive and then having the same thing happening to it is there anyway i can check without purchasing a new one ? this is the only PSU i got that will work with this motherboard the other two one is dead and one doesn't have the same power cable to fit in the motherboard slot
i don't want to get a new Hard drive and then having the same thing happening to it is there anyway i can check without purchasing a new one ? this is the only PSU i got that will work with this motherboard the other two one is dead and one doesn't have the same power cable to fit in the motherboard slot