I bought my gtx 970 two days ago and my computer has been getting really bad screen tear.I have uninstalled the latest drivers

Simplest solution is not to exceed 60 Hz. I'm not a huge fan of v-sync due to input lag.

Turn on Steam FPS counter: Steam -> settings -> In-game -> In-game FPS counter

Pick a game and in game settings: enable all AA. See where your FPS is at that point. By the way, what resolution is your monitor and what are the rest of your system specs?

If your FPS greatly exceeds 60, even after enabling AA then in Nvidia control panel, enable SDR (super dynamic resolution). The overheard should bring your frames down and SDR should improve the visual detail.
Simplest solution is not to exceed 60 Hz. I'm not a huge fan of v-sync due to input lag.

Turn on Steam FPS counter: Steam -> settings -> In-game -> In-game FPS counter

Pick a game and in game settings: enable all AA. See where your FPS is at that point. By the way, what resolution is your monitor and what are the rest of your system specs?

If your FPS greatly exceeds 60, even after enabling AA then in Nvidia control panel, enable SDR (super dynamic resolution). The overheard should bring your frames down and SDR should improve the visual detail.
I will try this when I get home later.
My specs
i5 4690k
Asus z97-p
Gigabyte gtx 970
Hyperx 8gb ram

My monitor is Asus VC239H 23-Inch

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