[SOLVED] I bricked my RX 560, need help identifying vbios chip on my model

Jan 14, 2022
I flash the wrong bios to my GIGABYTE RX 560 GAMING OC 4 GB, and now it won't let me even boot if the card is in.
So, after some googling, I see that I need to make some kind of jumper workaround to be able to reflash the original bios. My problem is that I can't find anywhere some picture or video that shows exactly what chip is and what pins do I need to do the work on.

I add a couple of pics I take, so any merciful soul can point out the correct chip and pins.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tE-zj11-03xX-YAjIc8KZd3fRvjnrW_H/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tP6e1yEmmQuUCuqkEo3uOkT5dia0rz1h/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tlX2Y8eB1qNVOhIsqZuEhMKHub-aHCba/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tlayXqRnedQkU4JyZDuw2JbrWw1NQbB4/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tsCif4wacS1MSPbGWRO995U-94O3kFdb/view?usp=sharing
Thanks ind advance, and sorry for my bad English, I'm from Cuba.
The vBIOS chip will usually be an SO8 package with a model number that starts with 25 excluding vendor identification prefixes. You will likely need good lighting and a magnifying glass to read them. It may be located under the heatsink. Since the SPI-flash chip operates at relatively low frequencies and isn't performance-critical, it will often be located in "wasted" board space such as the corner of a row of DRAM chips and column of VRM stages.
The vBIOS chip will usually be an SO8 package with a model number that starts with 25 excluding vendor identification prefixes. You will likely need good lighting and a magnifying glass to read them. It may be located under the heatsink. Since the SPI-flash chip operates at relatively low frequencies and isn't performance-critical, it will often be located in "wasted" board space such as the corner of a row of DRAM chips and column of VRM stages.