The story: I was going to send back a Z490 board(a good one), but when trying to get the CPU-cover back on, it scratched the pins. It bent like four, but I think I managed to save three of them. The big <Mod Edit>; on the last pin it was "laying" down on the socket, and when I tried to pull it up and correct it into the right position, the pin just snapped off. I tried to RMA it, but they just said "no". It's currently being sent back to me. What are the chances that the board works just fine without it? I might be "lucky" and it disables one ram slot or one PCI-E slot. I'm only planning to use 32GB ram, and "only" one GPU.
Picture, but very hard to see/show
TL;DR I snapped a motherboard pin when trying to attach the CPU cover.
Picture, but very hard to see/show
TL;DR I snapped a motherboard pin when trying to attach the CPU cover.