M miketrue77 Reputable Feb 25, 2015 2 0 4,510 Feb 25, 2015 #1 it lets me log in to admin profile but the screen stays black. all I can see is the arrow.
J jojo9092 Reputable Jan 8, 2015 26 1 4,540 Feb 25, 2015 #2 Open up task manager and click the file tab in the upper right corner and click "New Task (run...)" and type in explorer.exe and run it. Upvote 0 Downvote
Open up task manager and click the file tab in the upper right corner and click "New Task (run...)" and type in explorer.exe and run it.
nathan collinz Reputable Mar 13, 2015 4 0 4,510 Mar 14, 2015 #3 ctrl+alt+delete / task mang / open file location / control panel / uninstall programs / view installed updates / uninstall newest updates / restart and your good to go until they update again witch we prob be tomorrow Upvote 0 Downvote
ctrl+alt+delete / task mang / open file location / control panel / uninstall programs / view installed updates / uninstall newest updates / restart and your good to go until they update again witch we prob be tomorrow