Yesterday I got my desktop fixed because, as the guy said, the HDD stopped working so I got an SSD. He also gave me a new network card because supposedly my old one wasn't working anymore.
At first it was fine and I was reinstalling all applications, but after like half an hour the signal dropped out and I lost connection. After a minute, I got it back but the connection was really slow. I restarted my computer and the same thing happened.
First I tried putting my old card in but the computer froze like it did before I got it fixed, so I put in the new card and tried reinstalling the Drivers and when I was installing it, I got a message saying make sure the network adapter is plugged in. I turned off my computer, took it out and put it back again, the driver installed fine but when I restarted the computer as it prompted me to do so, it said the network card isn't connected again.
Is it a problem with the network card or the driver?
Yesterday I got my desktop fixed because, as the guy said, the HDD stopped working so I got an SSD. He also gave me a new network card because supposedly my old one wasn't working anymore.
At first it was fine and I was reinstalling all applications, but after like half an hour the signal dropped out and I lost connection. After a minute, I got it back but the connection was really slow. I restarted my computer and the same thing happened.
First I tried putting my old card in but the computer froze like it did before I got it fixed, so I put in the new card and tried reinstalling the Drivers and when I was installing it, I got a message saying make sure the network adapter is plugged in. I turned off my computer, took it out and put it back again, the driver installed fine but when I restarted the computer as it prompted me to do so, it said the network card isn't connected again.
Is it a problem with the network card or the driver?