I cannot run MS Flight Sim 10 in FULL SCREEN mode using the triplehead2go.


Feb 1, 2014
The 3 displays are identical... the aircraft looking down the rwy on all 3 TVs. 3 rwys. It should be the middle TV doing what it's doing, the side TVs showing side views. Running in a window works fine but not FULL SCREEN.


Tkx much!

Hmmm... the way it is now, I have (1) wire coming out to the triplehead2go, then on to the 3 TVs. The other (3) outputs have cables running to (3) cmptr monitors on my desk. You're saying that has to change.

I have to run a cable with dual male connectors and connect the two video cards? I don't know what SLI is. But this would mean when all's said/done I have only (1) desk monitor, correct?



I've actually 6 displays total. 3 TVs that I want to run FSX in full screen mode and 3 regular cmptr monitors I use at my desk for normal working purposes.

By your description (if I'm reading it right) I'll lose 2 of my cmptr monitors on my desk by connecting the two video cards together...? I looked at the NVIDIA Control Panel. Intimidating!

That NVIDIA site you gave me references the GTX 600 series. Do you know if it's pertinent to the 760 cards too?

>>ok you need to put the cards in surround which means 1 video cable coming out of the video card has to be on the second 1
which means no sli but the cable has to be there<<

Are you saying there needs be a cable coming out of card #1, and plugging into card #2, a jumper? I'm not having much luck so far.

you need to use all the ports for video on the gtx 760 such as the One Dual Link DVI-I, One Dual Link DVI-D, One HDMI, One DisplayPortStandard Display Connectors you need to use as much as you can on 1 card and rest on the other

yes the sli connector has to be there to sync the cards
Over time I've tried blueprints suggested on this site without much luck:

Clearly I'm doing something wrong and always putting things back the way they were, thankful I can at least get it back (grin). Never been good at this part of cmptrs. I don't suppose you've got a picture of two cards and their ports for how (3) TVs (or monitors) should be connected...?

Tkx a bunch for your help!