My computer has been working fine from the time I built it (1 week ago) until today. It posts but it doesn't load up to where I sign in. I would then go into the boot setting and will not change anything and will just click save and restart. After 5 min of waiting it then loads up to where I then sign in. Another 2 min go by and then all of my shortcuts pop up which is not normal. They are all usually loaded. When I try to open up anything else for example ”File Explorer” it pops up the window and says working on it” After a couple minutes go by it says ”Not responding” turns my whole screen black then closes the window, reloads the wallpaper and shortcuts. Then when I try to open a game it says I need to reinstall it. So I went into settings to see my storage and only my 120gb SSD pops up and not my 1TB HDD. Please help!