I am running Windows 2000 on an Epox KT133Pro motherboard with Via KT133a chipset. I currently have a hard drive on my primary master and a cd writer on my secondary master and hard drive on my secondary slave. I tried to change the configuration around (to get everything to fit better in my case) and each time I change the configuratiopn of the IDE drives (even just unplugging the CD writer or secondary slave hard disk), my computer won't boot up: I get an invalid boot or system disk message. I have mucked around with bios and jumper settings heaps and am pretty sure (85%) this is not the reason for my problems (in the past using Windows 98 I have had no problems). Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening and what I can do to enable the computer to let me change the IDE configuration? I have posted this message on the hard drive message board and someone suggested it could be a Windows 2000 problem as they had seen something similar on Win NT. I am pretty sure I chose FAT32 as the file type when I installed Windows 2000 and I have Win 98 on the secondary slave hard drive and I am given a choice of OS to boot to when I turn on the computer.