I can't hook my ps3 up to my monitor....life is so hard


May 21, 2008
I have an hdmi - dvi cable and am trying to hook up my ps3 to my computer monitor. Alas all i get is a black screen

The monitors native resolution is 1280x1024. It has an analog input (currently running to my pc) and a dvi-d input which is where im trying to run my ps3 to via a hdmi to dvi cable.

I have the ps3 turned to hdmi output settings (did this on a friends tv). When i turn the system on it will also turn the monitor's power button green, indicating that its getting some sort of signal. However no picture.

It was my understanding that any dvi-d monitor should be able to run a ps3 through it. Am i missing something there? Also when i hook it up to my friends tv it says the yellow white red hookups are set as 480i resolution, however i have no idea what my hdmi resolution is set to or how i would change it. Any help to resolve this would be fantastic...i have mgs 4 just staring me in the face. Its torture!

Thanks in advance for any light you could shed on this
it is probably a problem with the resolution you are running at, your monitor is not widescreen, 'hdmi resolutions' are. Therefore you will want to be running 720p maximum, although you would be wise to start of lower (420i/p) and work up.

As to how you change your resolution on a PS3, read the manual is the only advice I can help you with.

googling changing ps3 resolutions came up with this : http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/browser/size.html

which halfway down the page will tell you how to change resolution.

Googling connecting PS3 to monitor DVI-D got me this bit of bad news : http://www.ps3forums.com/archive/index.php/t-39355.html

looks like you can't unless your dvi-d port allows HDCP content, which it won't. I think you are out of luck.
My PS3 is hooked up to a Samsung 24" 1920x1200 monitor using an HDMI-DVI cable - works a treat.

I would suggest that as 13th says, running HDMI widscreen resolutions on a 4:3 17" (at a guess) panel isn't going to fly...
1280x1024 is actually 5:4, but yeah it's unlikely it will work. I'm pretty sure the PS3 is going to require HDCP regardless of what you do with it.
Not if your Monitor has a VGA input. I use the HDMI to HDMI cable that came with my 360, ran to Best Buy and baught an adapter that has female HDMI to male VGA and it works just fine. Doesn't matter the resolution, with the new updates it should auto detect the HDMI cable, mine did anyway. Hope this helps.