I deleted my partition by mistake while installing windows 10

Jul 15, 2018
I just bought a SSD drive for my laptop, so I put my old hdd in the DVD-RW place with a caddy. The old HDD had 2 partition, one of 100 GB for operating system and one of 200 GB for stuff.
When reinstalling windows on the SSD, I wanted to delete the partion C from my old HDD with ex operating system.
By mistake, i didn't delete C partition and delete D partition with all my stuff on it. I didn't format it, just deleted. I realized the problem, I pull out the old hdd from my laptop and I continued to install windows on the SSD. After that, I put the old HDD back into the laptop, but the windows saw the partition like unformateted space.
Do I have any chance to recover my information?


1. This is why we always recommend...

1. This is why we always recommend having only the desired drive connected when installing the OS.
Too easy to make a mistake.

2. Try TestDisk to maybe recover that partition.

3. This is why we always harp on backup backup backup


I've seen users here who...
Deleted the partition
Then did a quick format
(ok, still recoverable, maybe)
Then did a Full format
Then installed an OS on that drive
Then used it for a year
Then did another OS install

Then....want to get back the full 30 minute video of the Best Vacation Ever! that was "accidentally" overwritten from the original partition.

And then get bent out of shape when we say..."Oh well".

1. This is why we always recommend having only the desired drive connected when installing the OS.
Too easy to make a mistake.

2. Try TestDisk to maybe recover that partition.

3. This is why we always harp on backup backup backup
Ayy, so maby you can help me out. so. i was getting super bored of mining xmr on windows 10 using my xps 13 from like, way back in 2012, and i decided id give linux mint a go ( mint 19.x.x). now, normaly, i wouldnt have a single problem with this task. however, the xps 13 does not have a disc drive and i had no flash drives available.... but i thought id be a cocky little wannabe tech genious and give it a go without either device. and it almost worked... would have worked... i had used unetbootin to install the live os to my hdd, but before booting into linux and deleting the windows partition, i had forgotten to resize it and create a new one. extremely dumb mistake for someone who has been doing this as long as me to make, but i did. and so now my windows os is deleted, i have no linux os installed, other than the live cd version which is on my hard drive.... which means i cant unmount said hard drive to resize or add any partition to install a full linux mint on to. and since my windows os is gone, i cant do much.... now i would have used a dedicated partitioning os loaded into the ram first, and i did try, but the os i had downloaded kept giving me an error saying that the kernal was to old, which stumped me, so i decided to attempt going ahead with skipping that step and just going straight to the live linux. big mistake.... i dont know what to do now other than wait till next payday to pick up a usb.... and i dont want to go that long without my performance laptop.
Ayy, so maby you can help me out. so. i was getting super bored of mining xmr on windows 10 using my xps 13 from like, way back in 2012, and i decided id give linux mint a go ( mint 19.x.x). now, normaly, i wouldnt have a single problem with this task. however, the xps 13 does not have a disc drive and i had no flash drives available.... but i thought id be a cocky little wannabe tech genious and give it a go without either device. and it almost worked... would have worked... i had used unetbootin to install the live os to my hdd, but before booting into linux and deleting the windows partition, i had forgotten to resize it and create a new one. extremely dumb mistake for someone who has been doing this as long as me to make, but i did. and so now my windows os is deleted, i have no linux os installed, other than the live cd version which is on my hard drive.... which means i cant unmount said hard drive to resize or add any partition to install a full linux mint on to. and since my windows os is gone, i cant do much.... now i would have used a dedicated partitioning os loaded into the ram first, and i did try, but the os i had downloaded kept giving me an error saying that the kernal was to old, which stumped me, so i decided to attempt going ahead with skipping that step and just going straight to the live linux. big mistake.... i dont know what to do now other than wait till next payday to pick up a usb.... and i dont want to go that long without my performance laptop.

You NEED a USB stick. Or something to boot from, to fix this.
16GB USB stick = $5.

Please start a new thread for this, and PM me the link.