[SOLVED] I did a full scan and window defend found a Trojan.


Jan 2, 2017
It says affected item:
containerfile: C:\Users\Jinhu\AppData\Local\Packages\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Files\S0\16\Attachments\Costumer-Service-1107file: C:\Users\Jinhu\AppData\Local\Packages\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Files\S0\16\Attachments\Costumer-Service-110799[18].docx->docProps/app.xml

Then I ran a scan with withe the free expired trial version of Malwarebytes and found nothing, so is there anything i need to do still?
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Malwarebytes probably found nothing because Windows defender quarantined the file. It is likely STILL there, and might have other payloads ready to be deployed from other files. I would make sure Windows defender is completely up to date by running Windows update first, and then run an additional scan of Windows defender to see if it is still coming up. Usually when there is a trojan infection, we highly recommend doing a clean install of Windows because it is about the only way to fully guarantee that there are no remnants of it remaining but in cases where that is not possible we recommend running full scans until it is no longer detected, delete the file from the quarantine and then run one or more second opinion scanners such as...
Malwarebytes probably found nothing because Windows defender quarantined the file. It is likely STILL there, and might have other payloads ready to be deployed from other files. I would make sure Windows defender is completely up to date by running Windows update first, and then run an additional scan of Windows defender to see if it is still coming up. Usually when there is a trojan infection, we highly recommend doing a clean install of Windows because it is about the only way to fully guarantee that there are no remnants of it remaining but in cases where that is not possible we recommend running full scans until it is no longer detected, delete the file from the quarantine and then run one or more second opinion scanners such as Hitman pro or Rogue killer.
I ran a full scan with window defender again with and offline scan too. It didn't say anything after. I am going to check the windows update. Then do another scan. If the scans say nothing do I just look for the specific file then delete it?