I dropped a glass of water on the desk and the water dripped inside the pc case.. What should i do??


Sep 15, 2013
Hey, while i was leaving my room i was trying to not step on my dog and while i was trying to avoid him i accidentally slammed the glass of water and the water fell on the pc case which has ways to get inside as the top panel is easily removable and is made to allow airflow inside.. Give me quick tips as time is running out please!

I did, then i placed it laying down on the floor and grabbed many tissue papers and placed throughout the pc.. there was a radiator on the top mount there for the water dripped on it and the fans seemed to hang the last of the water drops.. i unscrewed the fans and wrapped them in papers and towels while i was blowing hot air with a hairdryer from the inside of the pc to outwards and on the other side i was holding in place tissue papers to drain the water drops as they were coming out of the radiator.. Is that good? or do i have to do anything else?

The pc was turned on, but i checked the screen for any freezes or malfunctioning and nothing was going on so i turned it off immidiately!
well, if you can't see any water on your components and you feel like you got most of the liquid soaked up you should be fine. But it still may be a good idea to just leave it unplugged and let it dry overnight. Plug it back in tomorrow.

Depends how risky you feel like being ;P

I haven't seen any drops on any inside components such as motherboard or graphics card, the only risk is that gravity could over time draw the waterdrops trapped from inside the fans (if any were left) and the fans while spinning break the drop and squirt it all over the components!
Update: I ran flash throughout the radiator and was examining for any drops stuck in it.. I couldnt find any so if any were left, i turned the fans at full to provide airflow to the outside not allowing water drops to drip in the case.. All look good so far..