I got lucky...and caught yieldmanager red-handed!

Do you think tracking cookies from advertisers are going too far?

  • Yes, any personal information is too much information to collect from me

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Yes, it should be illegal for them to even collect non-personal data even my zip code.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • No. Who cares about my YOB or IP address?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 15, 2005
Remember those ads from "ads.yieldmanager.com"? Guess what? I think they had a server glitch today, because they accidentally gave me SOURCE CODE instead of the advertisement. Those of you who believe tracking cookies are harmless, look here! I copied the message verbatem, and have it for you here:

Fri, 14-Jul-2006 21:40:52 GMT Server ses0913 setting up entity queue for for ip 63.88.x.x (censored), qs z=6&Z=728x90&s=62453&t=3&v=1&B=1
Adding line item 72267 at depth 0 (1 touched)
Targeting failed for profile 285630: Size 6 not enabled
Excluding line item 72267 - targeting failed
Adding line item 72264 at depth 0 (2 touched)
Profile 285628 got past targeting
Not checking universal channel/type targeting for managing entity 15156
Profile 269372 got past targeting
Line item 72264 has unlimited budget
Setting entity 15156 seller li to 72264, parent to 15598
Adding campaign 44543 to entity 15156, line item id 72264.
Profile 284985 got past targeting
Interval hour 1. Spent: $0.01/$69300100.00(s02), $0.01/$0.34(s03), $0.00/$69300100.00(s12), $0.00/$69300100.00(s13)
Interval hour 1. Spent: 5/69300100(s02), 5/69300100(s03), 3/69300100(s12), 3/69300100(s13)
Skipping creative 115062 (wrong size)
Skipping creative 115063 (wrong size)
Skipping creative 115064 (wrong size)
Creative 115065 has unlimited budget
Skipping creative 115065 - can't track clicks but is camp with one or more post-click targets
Creative 115068 has unlimited budget
Skipping creative 115068 - can't track clicks but is camp with one or more post-click targets
Creative 115067 has unlimited budget
Skipping creative 115067 - can't track clicks but is camp with one or more post-click targets
Skipping creative 115059 (wrong size)
Skipping creative 115060 (wrong size)
Skipping creative 115061 (wrong size)
Skipping creative 114409 (wrong size)
Creative 114407 has unlimited budget
No target profile on CREATIVE (114407)
Adding entity 15156 campaign 44543 creative 114407
Not enough data to predict conv 17917 probability (version 0)
Fixed $1.00 CPM campaign with 100.00% adjustment
Expected value: $1.00000; expected cost: $1.00000; adjusted expected cost: $1.00000 actual cost: $1.00000
Campaign 44543 has unlimited learn budget
Skipping creative 114408 (wrong size)
Skipping campaign 44566 (priority 1 is less than priority 5 of prior campaign
Line item 72264 passed targeting, is non-PSA has priority 5 - no lower priority line items will pass
******* PARE ******
Creatives: 1 optimized, 0 learning, 0 psa
Choosing optimized entity
Isolating decision type 0 for entity 15598, depth 1
Node 15156 has 1 of type; depth 1 - keeping
Isolating decision type 0 for entity 15156, depth 1
Creative 114407 is of right decision type
Entity 15156 kept 1/1 creatives
Entity 15598 kept 1/1 entities
Recursively calculating CPMs for child entities of entity 15598
Choosing optimized creative
Entity 15156 line item 72264 selects creative 114407 with expected CPM $1.00000, adjusted expected CPM $1.00000
Choosing optimized entity
Optimized entity 15156 line item 72264: $1.00000
Entity 15598 chose li 72264 learn 0 (from 1 choices); expected revenue is $1.00; actual revenue is $1.00
Entity 15598 is publisher entity - no payouts
In adjust_dp for entity 15598 - best from parent $0.00000
Child entity must beat $0.00000
In adjust_dp for entity 15156 - best from parent $0.00000
Creative is not Max DP, no adjustments
Publisher ID: 15598
Publisher managing entity ID: 15156
Section ID: 62453
Creative ID: 114407
Advertiser ID: 15156
Advertiser managing entity ID: 0
Campaign ID: 44543
Is pub learn: 0
Is adv learn: 1
Recency bucket: 0
Frequency bucket: -1
Local imp day: 6
Local click day: 18
Size ID: 6
URL Frequency: 0
Gender: 0
Year of birth: 1930
Line item: 72264
******* DISPLAY ******
Updated frequency for creative 114407 to 1
Campaign 44543 shown 1 out of 1 times today

Now, of course I blanked out my own ip address at the top, but it was mine. Also, I think it is showing someone elses data somewhere in the middle as I was not born in 1930 :!: .

Does this scare anyone besides me??? Forget the NSA, these are the guys that need the !@$ sued out of them! This is what they have on me, yet I BLOCK COOKIES FROM THEIR DOMAIN, so what do they know about you? Zip code, area code, number of clicks, duration of visit to specific domains, IP address, year of birth, gender--and they claim that they store no personally identifiable information??? I oughtta sue their @$$e$!
Thats not source code dude, its probably debug mode for their software which spits out what its scripts are doing but not the actual script.