i have a geforce gtx 260m vid card in a laptop when playing a game i start out at 100fps within 2 mins i am down to 20fps

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Mar 10, 2014
i have a geforce gtx 260m vid card windows vista 64 when playing world of warcraft i start out
at 100 fps with in 2 mins it drops to 20fps it did not do that till now
Had this myself, on m15x , people say clean the fans with hoover at back vents, but I removed the shell and removed a 2 inch thick dust mound from inside the corner parts, since then the problems has mainly gone, but I did hear throttling is a problem, as the person above said .
Yes the problem with laptops is that they accumulate dust and it is relatively difficult to remove it (compared to a PC tower) . I would recommend a can of Dust-off (or similar product for electronic applications) and blow out the dust periodically. Direct the nozzle into the air vents of the laptop plus any other opening until no more dust comes out. I would avoid removing the back of the laptop until after the warranty has elapsed. Alternatively, you can take the laptop to a PC shop and have them remove the dust for a fee.
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