I have a monitor and a keyboard. What do I need to make it all work

the most important way to make into a home office is to find a way 2 make money online, i suggest you get onto the forex market, but to finish ur setup ull need a tower and a mouse, when you install ur forex trading application take all ur money including lifesavings and buy aud/usd.
Ok so you need to tell us a bit more about your situation. Because you are computer challenged, you will obviously not be building your own.
You have a monitor and keyboard and are asking what else you need:
A mouse. and most importantly:
You need a computer. This is the box that makes everything go. They usually range between $300-2000 depending on what you want to use them for.
I am going to assume that your question as to what the difference was between a CPU and hard drive was rhetorical and ment to illustrate to us your level of knowledge.

I recommend heading on down to your local computer store and asking for a computer that fits your price and usage.
If you would like you can tell us:
-What you will use the computer for
-how much you would like to spend on the box

and we can make suggestions on the details of the insides of the computer. You could print these out and bring them to your local computer store and ask them for a computer similar to the printout you give them.

Based on your knowledge you may also want to ask a friend to help you set up the computer.

If you are the adventurous type, you could look into building the computer yourself. There are many online resources and basic instruction manuals just google "building a computer" or "how to build a computer".

forex? just like that out of the blue? good way to go broke fast.

just buy a dell or a tower from new egg. you have a kb and monitor? Thats a bit confusing or perplexing rather.

I wouldnt suggest building one off the bat unless you want to invest time troubleshooting if something goes bad. Just buy a dell or HP and keep the monitor and kb as spares. You could get a net book and get a cable to connect the monitor. if the kb is usb that will work. het a mouse and bam cheap office rig.
what kind of office are we talking about here?

Are you serious?

Go down to Best Buy, Staples, Fry's or where ever, and tell them you need everything and that you need them to bring it out and set it all up for you. When it's all set up you can start doing your Home Office thing.

Are you sure you don't have anything else? I wonder how did you get just a monitor and keyboard... it usually comes with computers as they are pretty useless on their own...


Thumbs up. That was awesome.

I guess this guy isn't serious because he hasn't responded in 4 days. We should let this thread die.