i have a old hard drive should i get a external SSD and if so i have a few questions about SSD drives?

you definatly need to reinstall windows on the ssd, the benefits are very noticable. All games will benefit from decreased loadtimes having them on the ssd, but not all games really gain any kind of real performance gains. it depends on the games, like mmos and big open world games really like ssds.

You cannot set an external SSD as the default boot drive, nor can you install Windows to an external SSD. His issues are beyond this and an external SSD is not the solution.

Ok system specs are

CPU: i5 6500
GPU: GTX evga 1060 3GB
OS: windows 10
Hard drive https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16822236339 but it's really old like around 8-10 years old.
Anyway the issue really is that it seems like most 3D games and even some 2D games i can't get a stable 60FPS they seem to move from 60 fps to around 55 fps when playing only to go right back up to 60 making a ok amount of games microstutter.

Here are a few games that have this issue.
Grim dawn (When turning camera)
The forest
it seems to be open world games with the issue i would say it's the cpu but it never goes over 90% on even the most open of games :)

Also the reason i thought it maybe the hard drive is a read that old hard drives can make some games lag i guess i was wrong?

OK yeah that has nothing to do with the hard drive.

You may need to turn some details down, the 1060 3gb is very crippled, heck the 1050ti 4gb outperforms it in some games.

Now using a 10 year old hard drive is a bad idea in general (likely to fail) but you should replace it with an INTERNAL SSD. You cannot use that external drive you found as a boot drive.

On top of that did you do a fresh install of Windows 10? If not that will cause issues like you are experiencing too.

I see maybe i should have payed more for the 6GB i guess that is the way it goes i guess.
I would see about internal but not sure if my psu and mobo can use one plus not sure if the case can have one install i my just get a new HHD to be safe.

Yeah issue with that is my sister gave me this pc and i upgraded it to be a 1080p gaming pc however she said she wanted to keep all her files on it what now that i think about it you can't have two HHDs for one OS can you?
As in she could have the old HHD and i have the new one?

Thats a fairly new computer for someone to just give you, good deal.

As for adding more internal drives, if its got the room for them (highly likely) they take very little power. What type/brand of case is it?

And no you cannot have the same OS installed on 2 drives, you should get a new SSD drive, re-install windows, and use her drive as secondary. Or better yet back up her files somewhere and get a new secondary drive. Using an old hard drive like that is playing with fire, they rarely last that long.

Oh no i had to upgrade the pc it at first only had a i3 3240 and no GPU with a low end psu i mean it was still nice of her but i had to spend like 700 bucks to upgrade :)

anyway as for the case name i'm not sure the name of the case seems to not be anywhere on it the case is a free one i got.


So you got a new processor, motherboard, and memory, and PSU. At this point its your PC, so I would worry less about her usabolity of it. Back her files up and dump that old drive. Its highly likely any aftermarket case has more than one 3.5 drive bay, plenty of room to add a SSD