I have a problem.

Aug 19, 2018
Hello. I am new here, but I followed this website as a lurker. I would like your help.

The whole year my pc worked fine until today. Yesterday it worked perfectly fine. This morning when I started up my pc as usual, it suddenly shut down and restarted. After I pressed the start button again, it booted up normally then shut down, then gets stuck on bios loading screen. Everything else works fine except keyboard. Numlock doesn't work and when I press the bios buttons to enter it, it makes a clicking sound, but only once.

Mouse is working fine, internet is working, the fans are spinning, the gpu is brand new. I took this pc to service last year and it worked perfectly fine until today. There has been no power outage and no other internal issues, or viruses on pc since I do a scan once every few weeks.

Sorry for my bad english since it's not my main language.

My PC is 4 years old. I also cleaned it of dust today.

I had a similar problem and I managed to solve it by pressing the power button and the PSU button altogether if someone here knows what I'm talking about. It might be the same issue but I forgot how to do it. I never touched the BIOS settings ever again after it was repaired the last time around.

My pc specs:

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Intel core i5-3450
Ram 8GB
I don't know the motherboard manufacturer.

Can someone help me? I don't really know what to do anymore, also I tried a couple of fixes and they didn't work.

Also sorry if I chose the wrong category, I didn't really know what to choose so I chose this one.

Is there a way to reset CMOS/BIOS settings without opening my case? (I can't access the bios from my pc either since it's stuck on the bios logo screen and it's on full screen and not on normal screen for normal boot and the keyboard doesn't work, also tried a new one still nothing, if you know what I'm saying) I am afraid to remove the things to reset the cmos since I never done that before in my life and I am not a tech expert nor an engineer to know what the hell am I doing in my pc.

Also do you know the trick with the power on/off button and the psu button pressed together? If so can you explain it to me I totally forgot about it and what's it for or how to do it properly.
Bump, I still couldn't manage to do anything and I can't even reinstall windows from usb stick. Now it's gone past POST bios screen and its stuck on black screen
If the PC posts and makes it past the bios and then freezes once it tries to boot, then your hard drive may be the culprit. Try to use another hard drive that has an OS on it and see if you can make it past the bios and into the boot.
I resolved the problem by removing the CMOS battery and reinstalling windows clean slate, now it works like a charm. Thanks for the help nonetheless. Have a nice day.