I have a question about Raid 0.

Everyone here is correct. I ran a RAID 0 setup with two SSDs in both my desktop and my laptop for +2 years and can tell you first hand it is not worth it. If you are looking for true performance gains, go with an NVMe SSD instead of attempting RAID 0 with SSDs. Much much faster performance without any of the risks that are associated with running RAID configurations.
Why not just add another SSD as a seperate disk and not put it in a RAID 0 array, if you do do RAID 0 you will destroy all data and have to reinstall Windows, and in many cases there is actually a performance penalty for random operations, not an increase as you would expect.

The main reason is that I want them kept as a single drive in windows.
no you can combine different types of drives together and it doesn't matter if they are different storage sizes. but keeping in mind how fast SSD drives are over mechanical HDD's is is pointless to put them in a RAID because there would be no advantages and you would be shortening the life of your SSD drives
Raid on SSD really isnt worth it, it looks good on paper but real world not so much. You also run the high risk of loosing all your data if one drive fails or you have hardware failure. If you really want raid 0 i would keep very meticulous backups which will cost you for more platter space for the backups.

As for same drive, no they don't have to be the same drive but you should try to match the stats up as best as you can. Everything will run at the slowest speed and size of the two drives.

I would recommend just a second drive for storage. If you need speed then get a SSD, if its just more room the get a platter drive.
Everyone here is correct. I ran a RAID 0 setup with two SSDs in both my desktop and my laptop for +2 years and can tell you first hand it is not worth it. If you are looking for true performance gains, go with an NVMe SSD instead of attempting RAID 0 with SSDs. Much much faster performance without any of the risks that are associated with running RAID configurations.