[SOLVED] I have an insanely good pc but not getting fps that my friends are getting even though they have worse systems

Nov 18, 2018
I have a GTX 1080TI OC
Intel 8700k
MSI Z370 gaming plus motherboard
32GB of DDR4 ram
2TB Hard Drive
3 Fan Cooling

On Fortnite:

i play stretched 1600 x 1080
all my settings are on low apart from view distance which is on medium

my userbenchmark https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/12250436

All answers are greatly appreciated :)

Im averaging 180fps where as my friends with like I5 and 1060's are getting 240????
Power settings have 2 options on windows 10 Balanced or High Performance, your 120GB SSD is underperforming massively so if that's got Win10 on I'd suggest cloning it to your M.2 and if fortnite is on the HDD install that on the M.2 aswell. Your memory is in the 9th percentile so something may be wrong with that try remove all but one stick and then running on that let us know how that goes.

It’s not it’s some times flickers past 180 like to 200 and I reset Nvidia control panel to check and I play on unlimited in game

Power settings have 2 options on windows 10 Balanced or High Performance, your 120GB SSD is underperforming massively so if that's got Win10 on I'd suggest cloning it to your M.2 and if fortnite is on the HDD install that on the M.2 aswell. Your memory is in the 9th percentile so something may be wrong with that try remove all but one stick and then running on that let us know how that goes.
Your Kingston hard drive is part of the problem unless you know for sure you are using it just for media storage. If you have Windows installed on it or Fortnite, or even the Epic Games Launcher, that could be a bottleneck.
Also am I reading right, You have a 60-79hz display but want much higher fps than your monitor can display?
It's a nice great build btw. I'd put the Kingston in another system or sell it if I were you though.