I have an old HP mini with Microsoft Windows XP home edt 2002. how can I get something more current/ up to date? I'm not that


Aug 27, 2014
I have an old HP mini with Microsoft Windows XP home edt 2002. how can I get something more current/ up to date? I'm not that computer savvy, but I know there are more up to date systems.

This is pretty wrong. XP is no better than Windows 7, as far as stability goes it's also no better than Windows 8. If 8 kept the same interface as 7, it would be a good OS. There are may old security patches for XP, but there will not be new ones. And a lot of hardware drivers will soon not be written for XP.

If that HP...


Dec 31, 2013
what's wrong with xp? it's way better then vista, 7, 8, 8.1 put together, i been using xp for like 11 years now and i don't plan on upgrading anytime soon. it sounds like your a normal user so i would recommend staying with what you have.

side note : knight, why is it that everybody thinks everybody has to upgrade their computer? not a smart move in this case.

anyways, back to the original poster, your just fine, i see no need for you to upgrade, xp is very good.



Well, there's the fact that there are no longer security updates for it, which makes it a sitting duck for all the 0-days you want.

Yeah, it is, as many older systems can't run Vista/7 without other upgrades which don't make any sense in the first place, as it would just be throwing good money into a bad system.


Dec 31, 2013
there's so many security patches for the already stable xp. practice safe browsing habits and you should be fine. only a moron will pick up a virus, that's a fact! in fact xp is more stable then all the new os's put together. your totally blowing it out of proportion. i been using xp for 11 years strong, and what i said remains a fact, practice is key here.

it's still not a smart move cause xp is just fine.


Sep 8, 2012
CLB, is there something you want to do faster? Newer computers for newer dollars will provide faster services, but most productive computer users are still accomplishing the same thing they were in 2003, 1999, etc. Word, Excel, PowerPoint - all of those productive services remain the same.

Video editing has changed. Speed is most helpful there.

Audio recording and editing CAN change, but many studios use the same old software to record and create music. They do it faster, but it's all the same.

I use newer, faster computers all the time but I've still got XPs because some have software whose updates are actually losses of important services. Not "upgrades" but true downgrades - their newer versions do less! So I keep XP up and running and am more productive with those software packages than their worse new ones.

This is pretty wrong. XP is no better than Windows 7, as far as stability goes it's also no better than Windows 8. If 8 kept the same interface as 7, it would be a good OS. There are may old security patches for XP, but there will not be new ones. And a lot of hardware drivers will soon not be written for XP.

If that HP is a netbook I would not spend $100 on a Windows 7 license for it, just replace the system. Many used laptops and desktops for sale can be had for 100-200 with Windows 7 already installed on them, although you need to check to make sure they are legal copies.

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