I have to unplug and re-plug the PC


Nov 24, 2017
When I try to restart or sleep my pc, it completely shuts down and I can't re-open it even with power button unless I unplug and re-plug the power cable. It also happes when I try to shut my pc down, I can't re-open it unless I do the same thing.

Also with all 3 actions, I hear a click when the shut down process ends. It sound something like the power cuts off but the power LED on the motherboard stay on.

I have an Asus Z170-K motherboard with i5-7500, 700W PSU, a single 8GB RAM, GTX 1060 6gb and a 1tb HDD.

This has started recently. I didn't have this problem before. What may be the problem? Can someone help please?
Question from deno1094 : "PC Shuts Down Completely on Sleep Mode, Doesn't Turn Back on?"


What can I do to fix it? It also happens when I try to shut it down, is it same?

Are you sure it's because of the PSU? If so, I might try to get a new one.

100% sure.

Get a GOOD quality one.

I might try with a different PSU just to see if it plays out and get a new one then. Do you have any suggestions on a new PSU?

What Country?

Ok, thank you so much:)