I messed up


Jan 9, 2015
I was booting up my computer for the first time after my build and repeateadly unplugged and plugged in the cpu 8pin power cable with a PCI-E! what did I destroy my pc?
I now realized my power supply has a single specific black 8pin labeled as CPU.
Also it starts up for 3 sec then dies again power supply, cpu, and both case fans spin within that time and as well light up.
I understand you're annoyed about the situation but I had too clean up your thread title because foul language isn't allowed n the Forum.

I think you'll find that the connector labelled CPU splits into two four pins and one half goes on to the motherboard in the only four connector it wlil fit. Take your GPU card out and see if the board runs properly.

My cpu power cord is a solid 8pin and I have 4 extra pic-e that are 6+2pin did I damage anything like cpu and or mob? Also I don't have a external gpu yet my mobo is relying on integrated graphics from cpu.
OMG. if you are building the PC for the first time (obviously) why do it in a rush? you had your mobo manual. You know how they say - do the calculations two times before you cut it.
However, i don't think you did anything bad. as the power pins were connected with the ground cable pins and vice versa. I guess the pc wouldn't even bother to power up - although you might have done some dmg if you were pluging in and out the cable while the pc was powering up .

The whole mobo receives power from 24 pin cable, thats why all your fans are spinning etc.

While the PC is booting, it usually lights up the leds for each device - does it stop at some point? which would that be?

try to double check all your cables connectors and give another try. If the pc got somehow f-d up, try clearing bios memory - do the jumper reset (this will make you read the mobo manual to find how to do it.)

PCI-E cables are for video card - have you connected those?
As previously mentioned. Try booting without GPU.

What are your system specs and what is your PSU model.

I only took the power cables out after the pc was fully off as in not a single light from the mobo which takes about 12 sec to turn off each time it receives power. i have reset and replugged everything in with the same result. Yes I did connect the pic-e into the cpu power supply.... multiple times

Mobo:Asus Z97-A
Cpu:Intel i3
Ram:Corsair Vengeance 8gb 16000mhz
PSU:Thermaltake TR2 700W
cpu cooler: Enermax ETS-N30-TAA
Storage: 128gb Sandisk SSD + Seagate 1Tb (old)
Case:NZXT 210
Confirm that you have proceeded with Clear CMOS

Step 1
Set the chassis on its side. While shining a flashlight inside the case, locate the jumpers labeled "CLRTC."

Step 3
Lift up the shunt from pins 1-2. Put the shunt on pins 2-3.

Step 4
Wait at least 10 seconds. Return the shunt to its original position on the CLRTC jumper to clear CMOS on the ASUS motherboard.


Those jumpers are right under TPU and EPU switch. And i recommend to turn those switches OFF and keep them OFF all the time as they do nothing but Foul language removed by Moderator your system up (my experience with asus mobo i have at the moment). It might be, that your pc shuts down because the stupid mobo tries to "find the best configuration' etc with the help of those TPU EPU switches.

Also, you have an Enermax cooler (don't have a clue what is the reason to buy it in the first place, since your CPU is locked) - double check if you have connected it to the CPU FAN socket. IF the fan doesn't start at 600 RPM at once - it might be the cause. ASUS BIOS / Monitor / CPU FAN somthing - Select minimum rpm limit as 300-400 or select ignore.

Try using the stock intel cooler if nothing gets you to bios.