I need a 1440p gaming build!


Jul 20, 2017
I'll be gaming on a 1440p ASUS monitor and have a 1080p monitor for web browsing and such. I want to be able to game on hopefully high settings. I'll be playing CS:GO,AAA Games (Call of Duty), and mostly pc games like WoW,LoL, and Ark. I don't want to spend more than 1500 dollars. If possible I'd like if the case could stick with my green/black theme and maybe even have LED's on it like a Corsair Crystal Case. Thanks in advance to anyone who could help me out with this. and yea... Good luck?
here u go :

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($308.87 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG - H5 Ultimate 76.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($46.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - Z270 Killer SLI/ac ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($121.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LED 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($130.49 @ Amazon)
Storage: MyDigitalSSD - BPX 256GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($114.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($66.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card ($519.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Phanteks - ECLIPSE P400S TEMPERED GLASS ATX Mid Tower Case ($99.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - S12G 550W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply ($56.89 @ Newegg)
Total: $1466.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-28 08:43 EDT-0400

THANKYOU SO MUCH! the best i came up with was a gtx 1070 i7-6700k with like a crappy mobo. Again thanks i dont know how you do it.
there is 1 more build without the bling factor :

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($308.87 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG - H5 Ultimate 76.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($46.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - Z270 Killer SLI/ac ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($121.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: GeIL - EVO POTENZA 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($111.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: SK hynix - SL308 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($93.88 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.38 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB AORUS Video Card ($744.98 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT - S340 (Black/Blue) ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Corsair - CX (2017) 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($55.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $1582.94
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-28 08:53 EDT-0400

thanks i love them both but i think i like the first one a bit better.