I need a motherboard

Grimble Crumble

Aug 11, 2007
I'm going to be upgraded sometime within the next few months, and all I really need to do is find a motherboard. I need PCI-e, and preferably a few PCI and PCI-e 1 slots, Intel socket 775 1333fsb, 4 slots for at least DDR2 6400 ram, all for under $125. I found the EVGA nForce 650i Ultra (A1 version) for 90 bucks at tigerdirect http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3079365&CatId=1533. If there are any better deals, or boards with more options (SLI or better RAM), I would like to know. I am also wondering, that board has a FSB of 1066 or 1333, which I will get a processor at 1333, but my P4 has a FSB of 800, can I use it on that board?


Jun 13, 2006

Yes you can use your old P4 on the new mobo to save a few bucks durring your build if your waiting for Penryn. By the time your saying you want to start building your new PC, Intel's X38 will be out. X38 will have 2 PCI-E 2.0 slots but weather it'll support SLI is anybodys guess. Crucial's Ballistix is doing very well in the overlocking world and competitve pricing to as well as G.Skill to.

Also something to get is a PSU that supports the new standrad PCI-E 2.0 (DXX) which requires 300 watts per card. Enermax has them along with quite a few others have just been coming out with them.


Aug 10, 2006
The 650i Ultra board in the original post is quite a great basic board. It doesn't have many frills, but it can overclock decently. The EVGA board also is cheaper by $10 over at Newegg.com. The Gigabyte P35-DS3L would also be a good choice of motherboard in that price range.