I'm going to be upgraded sometime within the next few months, and all I really need to do is find a motherboard. I need PCI-e, and preferably a few PCI and PCI-e 1 slots, Intel socket 775 1333fsb, 4 slots for at least DDR2 6400 ram, all for under $125. I found the EVGA nForce 650i Ultra (A1 version) for 90 bucks at tigerdirect http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3079365&CatId=1533. If there are any better deals, or boards with more options (SLI or better RAM), I would like to know. I am also wondering, that board has a FSB of 1066 or 1333, which I will get a processor at 1333, but my P4 has a FSB of 800, can I use it on that board?