Question I need a powerful Spam Filter for Microsoft Office ?


May 7, 2019
I've been using the same email from my ISP for about that last decade or more, and find I'm spending 5-10 annoying minutes every day just clearing out spam/junk mail from my inbox. It's accumulated over the years, and changing to a fresh email account just isn't an option (tied to too many of my accounts).

The filter that comes standard with Microsoft Office Pro 2021 simply isn't cutting it, so I need to install a more powerful third party filter that will do the job. I want to ensure it blocks any/all domains that these could be coming from, to help just dump them into their own folder I can easily clear (or set to auto delete).

Any suggestions?
Almost impossible. Scammers continually change addresses, wording, etc. and any set filter is nullified.

Because you did not mention it directly, consder whitelisting.

However, there may be emails from non-contact/whitelist senders that you would want to read. E.g., someone changes their email address or some other new association (doctor, business, etc.).

So you will still need to occasionally scan the target dump folder for such emails.

Start here:

You can easily find other similar tutorials and links.

Give whitelisting a try for awhile, tweak as necessary. Hopefully no need for third party apps or utilities.

Likely that they will prove problematic in the long run.
We use the Trend Micro worry free service at work that filters email and antivirus protection, think it was like $68 per computer.

It will send each person a report every day of what emails were blocked. If you need it you can release it if not then just leave it and trend will delete it. It will allow you to whitelist emails or domains and blacklist stuff if its still getting thru.

For a company of just 50 emails it blocked 11,880 emails alone this week, and no one has called to have something released.
So you will still need to occasionally scan the target dump folder for such emails.

So whitelisting seems like it might be the best option. So just to make sure I understand this process. Is there a way to set Outlook to ONLY let whitelisted emails through to my main box (and dump the rest to a junk folder)? Then I can gradually add back in the addresses I know (before clearing the junk folder).

I don't have a ton of emails I want actually coming through to me, so eventually I should be able to just empty the junk folder in a few seconds each day (which would be close enough).

Is that how it works? If so, is there a tut for that? I checked the link above and I'm not sure if that's the same thing I'm referring to here.
All I can suggest is to start with the link I provided in Post #2.

Give that method a try for week or so.

In the meantime look for other similar links and tutorials. There may some additional ideas/"tips and tricks" to be found.

What you want to do is to add filters carefully and selectively keeping track of each one.

If email filtering goes astray you need to be able to go back and undo the faulty filter.