I need a specific keyboard with this function.


Jun 18, 2014
I used to have a laptop on which i done alot of programming however this laptop has just broken and now i have to use my pc to program. A handy feature on the laptop was that when i pressed the shift key the next letter would be capitalized without me having to actually hold the shift key. eg. I press the shift key once and then press a twice and it prints Aa. However now that im using my new pc to program i must hold the shift key and at the same time press the letter to get a capitalized letter, this is very uncomfortable. Can anyone tell me if this feature can be customized via windows as my old laptop was running windows 7 and now im running 8 or is it specific to certain keyboards ? Luckily im looking to buy a new keyboard incase its not customizable over windows, does anyone know how i can find out if a certain keyboard has that feature ? and does anyone have any recommendations im specifically looking for a wireless all in one keyboard (mousepad + keyboard).
That's what the Sticky Keys is there for you don't need any custom keyboard just spam the shift and a prompt will pop up asking you if you wanna enable the sticky keys select "Yes" and enjoy
That's what the Sticky Keys is there for you don't need any custom keyboard just spam the shift and a prompt will pop up asking you if you wanna enable the sticky keys select "Yes" and enjoy