i need answers about crossfire


May 4, 2015
ok right now i own a r9 280x sapphire an was wondering if i get the sapphire r9 390 would work with my old one or if i should just use the new one and if i can only use new one and if there is a better one then the 390 for at most 350 taxes included that would be great
The 970 isn't much of an upgrade from what you have either. It is only a little faster than the 290. You might see around a 30% boost with it, so it's not bad, but it's not huge. With a GTX 980 being found as cheap as $430 right now, it's not a bad option, granted above that price it gets a little too expensive to be worth it. The 980 would be more like a 60% improvement in performance.

Here is a link:
The 280X and the 390 are not compatible for Crossfire. The 290 and the 390 would work together, but that's because they have the same GPU. The 280X uses a different GPU (Tahiti) and Crossfire only works with the same GPU, except with Dual-Graphics which is when you Crossfire an integrated GPU with a low-end discrete card like the Radeon 6670.

ok thank you now i have 1 more question is the 390 a considerable upgrade from the 280 like i mean massive and great upgrade

ok one last one what is the benifiet of doing crossfire? will it be like having 1 powerful one or what
It will depend on the game. A few don't support Crossfire very well, so they'd perform closer to a single card. Most games will get a roughly 80% performance boost compared to a single card. Selling your card and upgrading to a single powerful card will guarantee the performance boost and be more power-efficient (especially if you opt for the 980), so it's generally the better option unless you can get a second card dirt cheap.

i know you are saying the 980 but is the 970 good?
The 970 isn't much of an upgrade from what you have either. It is only a little faster than the 290. You might see around a 30% boost with it, so it's not bad, but it's not huge. With a GTX 980 being found as cheap as $430 right now, it's not a bad option, granted above that price it gets a little too expensive to be worth it. The 980 would be more like a 60% improvement in performance.

Here is a link: