I need help with receivers!

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Dec 25, 2016
Ok we have a receiver in our house but it does not hook up with our tv because out tv is hdmi and our receiver does not have hdimi, We are going to use the receiver for 2 speakers we have, So i was wondering what receiver should I get
would this be a good receiver? http:// I am not looking for something to expensive.
This is the model number for our TV UN46H5203AF http://
this is the our speaker R-15M http://
and our current receiver we have is STR-DH130http://
if we could use our current receiver that would be great but i tried to hook it up and it did not work any help would be appreciated.
Your TV has digital audio out and audio line-out. Your receiver only has analog inputs. Your TV has one mini-jack audio output (may be the headphone jack). You should be able to connect that to your existing stereo with the appropriate cable.
Your TV has digital audio out and audio line-out. Your receiver only has analog inputs. Your TV has one mini-jack audio output (may be the headphone jack). You should be able to connect that to your existing stereo with the appropriate cable.

i cant believe i never tried that, thanks it worked.
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