Hello everyone i have decided i want to build a PC and i have searched quite a bit and i have decided on the parts i will get.
Let me start by saying that i know a lot of people think AMD=Master race or Intel=Master race or etc. The reason i mention this is because i want to say that i am almost set on getting that CPU and GPU that you can see in the screenshot i provided below. What i want tips and info on is the rest of the parts. The only thing i want to know about the CPU and GPU is do they bottleneck each other? I used an online tester that said that they will not cause a bottleneck, but not sure if that is true, please someone confirm for me. If my CPU and GPU are bottlenecked, then please feel free to suggest a change, but if they aren't, these are the ones i want to get. EDIT: My opinion on the CPU was heavily changed, i have switched to AMD for the CPU, sorry for being an idiot.
Will that cooling fan i have chosen be good enough to cool my CPU? I also need to mention THAT I WILL NOT BE OVERCLOCKING my CPU or GPU. I did some search online and found that the RTX 2060 runs quite hot, will that be a problem for me and if how can i fix it? I also do not want a watercooler, i do realise that they make less noise and can even potentially make the system run even cooler, but i still want to stick with air cooling. Do i need a better air cooler?
I do not care much for speed so i want to stick to the 2TB HHD instead of getting an SSD. I don't want both of them either, im fine with only having 1 HDD. If anything i may just go with 1TB instead but i saw that the price difference wasn't big so i just went with 2TB for just a few extra bucks.
I want my RAM to be 2 sticks of 8GB DDR4-3600, i choose the cheapest one i could find that was from what seemed a trusted manufacturer. Please tell me if my choice was bad and just to be safe i should go with some RAM with a higher price.
I want my PSU to be from a trusted manufacturer and an 80+ Gold certified, so i went with a Cooler Master one. I know that Cooler Master makes great coolers but i do not know about PSUs, please tell me if i should get it from a different brand. The PcPartPicker website says that my system will eat up about 359W of power, i am aware that your PSU needs to be bigger than that by atleast 100-150W. Is my 650W way too much? Please tell me if i can get away with buying a 550W power supply without worrying about anything.
As for my case, i really do not care about it. I do not care about looks all i want is the cheapest case i can find that has a good airflow system. I don't know anything about cases so any suggestions you may have about cheap cases that you know have a great airflow system please say so. I also need some help involving case fans, i have no clue if many cases even ship fans with them and if they do, are they any good? I want to know if i need to buy the case fans separately and put them in, as i said my GPU with run hot from the info i can gather, as i also said I WILL NOT OVERCLOCK. And please tell me how many case fans i need, from the info i gathered i need 3, but please confirm this for me.
Now this is the hardest choice i face for the moment, my Motherboard. I don't want to spend too much on the motherboard but from what i have gathered that is a bad thing, it's better to be safe when it comes to motherboards, that's what i have gathered atleast. I am not sure where to go from here, i chose that Gigabyte board that you see which is a Micro-ATX board. I do realse that getting a bigger board will make me able to upgrade my system in the future but i am not interested in that, the reason i say this is because i suspect my PC to be able to handle potentionally every new game that comes out at least on medium settings at 1080p. I may be wrong on this of course no one knows for sure, but i do not care much about upgrading. Please tell me if i am wrong for thinking so. I want to also know if this cheap motherboard will be good enough and not cause trouble. I have another board that i could get which is way more expensive but the second cheapest one i can get. The board in question is an MSI Z390-A PRO, which is an ATX board, meaning bigger and useable for future upgrades it costs roughly 144$. PcPartPicker said that this board can fit an RTX 2080 and even an i9-9900k, which i could get in the late future as upgrades. Please someone tell me if it is okay to risk it and go with a cheap Micro-ATX board instead of having to spend over 150$ on an ATX board. This is one of the biggest worries i have at the moment, please help me on this. Gonna say this again i do not care much for upgrades, if the Micro-ATX board will be fine and not cause trouble, i will go with it no problem.
Here is some important info for you to know:
I will play all my games on 1080p.
I chose a 1080p 60 HZ monitor, i have nothing against it and it seems fine to me, i am wrong about it please tell me. That Monitor i have on my PCPartPicker list is probably not the one i will get, there are probably many 1080p monitors around the 100$ range and that's what i want to get, Unless i am missing out on something huge by not getting a 144Hz, then please say so. I realise my PC can play some games on 1444P but i am not interested in that.
Please answer the questions i provided and give me tips on upgrades. Thank you. 😀 Here is the PcPartPicker screenshot of all of my parts. I didn't include it on this screenshot but it goes without saying that i will get Windows 10, that is the only piece of info i did not have in the screenshot, i have nothing else apart from this on my PcPartPicker list, if i am missing something important please say so.
Let me start by saying that i know a lot of people think AMD=Master race or Intel=Master race or etc. The reason i mention this is because i want to say that i am almost set on getting that CPU and GPU that you can see in the screenshot i provided below. What i want tips and info on is the rest of the parts. The only thing i want to know about the CPU and GPU is do they bottleneck each other? I used an online tester that said that they will not cause a bottleneck, but not sure if that is true, please someone confirm for me. If my CPU and GPU are bottlenecked, then please feel free to suggest a change, but if they aren't, these are the ones i want to get. EDIT: My opinion on the CPU was heavily changed, i have switched to AMD for the CPU, sorry for being an idiot.
Will that cooling fan i have chosen be good enough to cool my CPU? I also need to mention THAT I WILL NOT BE OVERCLOCKING my CPU or GPU. I did some search online and found that the RTX 2060 runs quite hot, will that be a problem for me and if how can i fix it? I also do not want a watercooler, i do realise that they make less noise and can even potentially make the system run even cooler, but i still want to stick with air cooling. Do i need a better air cooler?
I do not care much for speed so i want to stick to the 2TB HHD instead of getting an SSD. I don't want both of them either, im fine with only having 1 HDD. If anything i may just go with 1TB instead but i saw that the price difference wasn't big so i just went with 2TB for just a few extra bucks.
I want my RAM to be 2 sticks of 8GB DDR4-3600, i choose the cheapest one i could find that was from what seemed a trusted manufacturer. Please tell me if my choice was bad and just to be safe i should go with some RAM with a higher price.
I want my PSU to be from a trusted manufacturer and an 80+ Gold certified, so i went with a Cooler Master one. I know that Cooler Master makes great coolers but i do not know about PSUs, please tell me if i should get it from a different brand. The PcPartPicker website says that my system will eat up about 359W of power, i am aware that your PSU needs to be bigger than that by atleast 100-150W. Is my 650W way too much? Please tell me if i can get away with buying a 550W power supply without worrying about anything.
As for my case, i really do not care about it. I do not care about looks all i want is the cheapest case i can find that has a good airflow system. I don't know anything about cases so any suggestions you may have about cheap cases that you know have a great airflow system please say so. I also need some help involving case fans, i have no clue if many cases even ship fans with them and if they do, are they any good? I want to know if i need to buy the case fans separately and put them in, as i said my GPU with run hot from the info i can gather, as i also said I WILL NOT OVERCLOCK. And please tell me how many case fans i need, from the info i gathered i need 3, but please confirm this for me.
Now this is the hardest choice i face for the moment, my Motherboard. I don't want to spend too much on the motherboard but from what i have gathered that is a bad thing, it's better to be safe when it comes to motherboards, that's what i have gathered atleast. I am not sure where to go from here, i chose that Gigabyte board that you see which is a Micro-ATX board. I do realse that getting a bigger board will make me able to upgrade my system in the future but i am not interested in that, the reason i say this is because i suspect my PC to be able to handle potentionally every new game that comes out at least on medium settings at 1080p. I may be wrong on this of course no one knows for sure, but i do not care much about upgrading. Please tell me if i am wrong for thinking so. I want to also know if this cheap motherboard will be good enough and not cause trouble. I have another board that i could get which is way more expensive but the second cheapest one i can get. The board in question is an MSI Z390-A PRO, which is an ATX board, meaning bigger and useable for future upgrades it costs roughly 144$. PcPartPicker said that this board can fit an RTX 2080 and even an i9-9900k, which i could get in the late future as upgrades. Please someone tell me if it is okay to risk it and go with a cheap Micro-ATX board instead of having to spend over 150$ on an ATX board. This is one of the biggest worries i have at the moment, please help me on this. Gonna say this again i do not care much for upgrades, if the Micro-ATX board will be fine and not cause trouble, i will go with it no problem.
Here is some important info for you to know:
I will play all my games on 1080p.
I chose a 1080p 60 HZ monitor, i have nothing against it and it seems fine to me, i am wrong about it please tell me. That Monitor i have on my PCPartPicker list is probably not the one i will get, there are probably many 1080p monitors around the 100$ range and that's what i want to get, Unless i am missing out on something huge by not getting a 144Hz, then please say so. I realise my PC can play some games on 1444P but i am not interested in that.
Please answer the questions i provided and give me tips on upgrades. Thank you. 😀 Here is the PcPartPicker screenshot of all of my parts. I didn't include it on this screenshot but it goes without saying that i will get Windows 10, that is the only piece of info i did not have in the screenshot, i have nothing else apart from this on my PcPartPicker list, if i am missing something important please say so.
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