Question I need suggestions on internet fix ?

Sep 1, 2022
This may end up being a super long post but I'm hopeing to remember everything up to this point. July I got a new isp because we finally got fiber in my area. But since then I have not been able to log into my work vpn or site. I'm in Oklahoma and they are in Florida. I discovered that the IPAPI geolocataion had me listed in Serbia. That has since been corrected. Certain sites won't let me access due to my european location. but I checked with all the places i could find and their geolocations for me is correct. I have checked the ARIN. The IT guy with my ISP just wants my work to whitelist my IP address in their firewall but that didn't work or they didn't do it. This has been an issue since July.

There are also some things that won't go through the geolocation on Disney+ etc saying that it's not allowed in my region. But if I use the data on my cell phone I can access everything just fine it's just too slow for my job or to watch a movie. I have no idea where to turn on this or how to possibly fix it myself because my ISP isn't any help. I also think this has to do with my ip address alone and not the block of addresses they purchased because some people that i know are not having this issue but my isp refuse to change my ip address. this is happening across all everything from connecting onto my router with my phone or laptop or tv. I've tried everyone elses suggestions of dns flushing, ip config,. if i connect through vpn then i can connect to my job's site but not their vpn. if i tor browser then i connect to my work site but not my works vpn. I am hoping that someone here might have some suggestions for me to try.


This may end up being a super long post but I'm hopeing to remember everything up to this point. July I got a new isp because we finally got fiber in my area. But since then I have not been able to log into my work vpn or site. I'm in Oklahoma and they are in Florida. I discovered that the IPAPI geolocataion had me listed in Serbia. That has since been corrected. Certain sites won't let me access due to my european location. but I checked with all the places i could find and their geolocations for me is correct. I have checked the ARIN. The IT guy with my ISP just wants my work to whitelist my IP address in their firewall but that didn't work or they didn't do it. This has been an issue since July. There are also some things that won't go through the geolocation on Disney+ etc saying that it's not allowed in my region. But if I use the data on my cell phone I can access everything just fine it's just too slow for my job or to watch a movie. I have no idea where to turn on this or how to possibly fix it myself because my ISP isn't any help. I also think this has to do with my ip address alone and not the block of addresses they purchased because some people that i know are not having this issue but my isp refuse to change my ip address. this is happening across all everything from connecting onto my router with my phone or laptop or tv. I've tried everyone elses suggestions of dns flushing, ip config,. if i connect through vpn then i can connect to my job's site but not their vpn. if i tor browser then i connect to my work site but not my works vpn. I am hoping that someone here might have some suggestions for me to try.
If your ISP doesn't care about your problem, then you have to switch ISP, even if you lose performance.
Sep 1, 2022
If your ISP doesn't care about your problem, then you have to switch ISP, even if you lose performance.
I don't know if it's that they don't care i think it's more of they haven't a clue on this. But even then where we're at I've got a choice of 2 isp. this one and my previous one which is a line of sight antenna type thing which is not longer available due to the line of sight being gone. I don't get cell signal well enough out here to do a tmobile hotspot or anything because I have tried. I am on the waiting list for the starlink but that isn't happening anytime soon, so i was hoping that someone here might help me with suggestions for me to try or my isp to try. he's been nice about everything else excepting giving me a new ip address.
I would not think it is was just 1 IP unless it got blacklisted. The minimum subnet used on the internet is still /24 so there should be a block of 256 ip addresses all that have the same routing and in theory the geo location. Companies that get the geolocation wrong deserve to have someone go in there office and kick the engineer in the balls for not doing his job properly. When the geo location is wrong there is little you can do. This geolocation is such a invasion of privacy to begin with.

So you can with some effort run vpn over vpn to make your work connection function. It is very tricky to do this just using software on a PC espeically if your work is using fancy VPN from say cisco or other providers that will detect tampering with the forcing it though a second vpn.
The key to even attempting this is to run 2 different forms of VPN. Most times you run 1 with IPSEC and the second with OPENVPN. The other encryption option many vpn services now support is wireguard. I have never attempted to run wireguard in combination with another vpn on the same client so I don't know the restrictions.

What might be easier is to run 1 vpn service on your router and the second on your PC. I think you can run the same vpn type on both but I have only used openvpn this way. This likely will fix your work problem.

The downside is unless you buy a router with AES-ni encryption acceleration your router will bottleneck you to about 20-30mbps using openvpn. I am told wireguard is faster. The only routers I know that have this feature come from asus, things like rt-86u but in general it is the devices that say they have a 1.8g cpu which also means it is using the chip that has this encryption function. You might get 200-300mbps using openvpn on one of these routers.

The second downside is many video services have blocked vpn, since this is how someone from the EU watches netflix in the USA. For some reason it is very hit and miss. People still report nordvpn works with netflix even though they block many other vpn. Almost like nordvpn paid them off or something since you would thing they would block the ip ranges of one of the largest vpn providers.

A third issue with vpn in general is you will get constant captcha messages and some sites just don't load saying they detected something they don't like.

The method although the most costly is going to be to setup a vpn service in a cloud provider like amazon where you keep a fixed IP and the IP comes from these large cloud data centers that nobody will block. Many of these cloud providers setup most the vpn stuff for you so it is not hard it just tends to get expensive since many you pay for your data usage.
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Sep 1, 2022
I would not think it is was just 1 IP unless it got blacklisted. The minimum subnet used on the internet is still /24 so there should be a block of 256 ip addresses all that have the same routing and in theory the geo location. Companies that get the geolocation wrong deserve to have someone go in there office and kick the engineer in the balls for not doing his job properly. When the geo location is wrong there is little you can do. This geolocation is such a invasion of privacy to begin with.

So you can with some effort run vpn over vpn to make your work connection function. It is very tricky to do this just using software on a PC espeically if your work is using fancy VPN from say cisco or other providers that will detect tampering with the forcing it though a second vpn.
The key to even attempting this is to run 2 different forms of VPN. Most times you run 1 with IPSEC and the second with OPENVPN. The other encryption option many vpn services now support is wireguard. I have never attempted to run wireguard in combination with another vpn on the same client so I don't know the restrictions.

What might be easier is to run 1 vpn service on your router and the second on your PC. I think you can run the same vpn type on both but I have only used openvpn this way. This likely will fix your work problem.

The downside is unless you buy a router with AES-ni encryption acceleration your router will bottleneck you to about 20-30mbps using openvpn. I am told wireguard is faster. The only routers I know that have this feature come from asus, things like rt-86u but in general it is the devices that say they have a 1.8g cpu which also means it is using the chip that has this encryption function. You might get 200-300mbps using openvpn on one of these routers.

The second downside is many video services have blocked vpn, since this is how someone from the EU watches netflix in the USA. For some reason it is very hit and miss. People still report nordvpn works with netflix even though they block many other vpn. Almost like nordvpn paid them off or something since you would thing they would block the ip ranges of one of the largest vpn providers.

A third issue with vpn in general is you will get constant captcha messages and some sites just don't load saying they detected something they don't like.

The method although the most costly is going to be to setup a vpn service in a cloud provider like amazon where you keep a fixed IP and the IP comes from these large cloud data centers that nobody will block. Many of these cloud providers setup most the vpn stuff for you so it is not hard it just tends to get expensive since many you pay for your data usage.
thank you for your reply. I did do a blacklist scan of my ip address and it came up with 2 but they had something to do with mail servers. My isp is looking into both of those. Today I'm going to see if a second vpn some how forced will do anything. I'm not sure how to do it but I'm going to do some research and see if i can figure it out. Thank you