I need to know if everything on this upgrade will work PLEASE HELP


Jan 12, 2015
Alright lets get straight to the point.I have right now a outdated mobo with ddr2 and a dual core 2.60ghz processor. I have a Hp pavilion case with all stock things except for a r9 270x graphics card. I want to upgrade my comp with this mobo http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Micro-Motherboard-M5A78L-M-USB3/dp/B00DQO9L1Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421380291&sr=8-1&keywords=matx+am3%2B+motherboard&pebp=1421380388644&peasin=B00DQO9L1Q then i want to get this cpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Processors+-+Desktops-_-N82E16819113284&gclid=Cj0KEQiAiuOlBRCU-8D6idaPz_UBEiQAzTagNOmBx1D_bSvBQ-_FZBAv4TLTxSfYqyHdXqzLMZrv8oAaAt6z8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds and then this ddr3 ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231311 I also have 500 wattage. I need to know quick because someone is helping me build this computer and I want to know if these parts will work from another person before i buy. Thanks
Yes they will all work together.
Your PSU "should" provide enough power, but since we don't know it's age or quality I can't make any guarantees.

Ok, that board will throttle the heck out of the 8350. Tech forums are littered with that board and 8350/8320/6300 thermal throttling issues. It is many times given away in bundles because it is a cheap craptastic motherboard. That board would be much better suited for a four core 4350. Number two HP cases are full of proprietary connectors that may very well not be compatible with a standard retail motherboard. FX processors are a fail without a full ATX board with 8+2 phase power. That board is 4+1 and doesn't even have a heatsink on the mosfets. $179 cpu. Sub $50 motherboard. Big fail.

Next time do a Google search or something first. Forums are full of people who don't know squat. OEM pc's are full of non standard parts that aren't compatible with things like motherboard upgrades. The i/o front panel connectors are usually non standard. Sometimes power supplies are non standard. Sometimes the motherboard stand offs are not ATX compatible. The list goes on. You may get lucky. Probably not. Anyway, like I said that motherboard is a terrible choice to pair with an 8350.