I/O shield prevent boot?

Oddly, I will say YES after a personal experience. I did not actually have a mobo failure. BUT I noticed once after assembling a system that, among the openings on the back I/O panel, one of the springy fingers around a hole that is supposed to be outside the connector body was actually inside, and touching a contact in a hole. Exactly how much trouble that could cause, depending on which contact was being shorted to ground, I did not experiment on. I just removed the mobo and re-installed with special attention to all those fingers on the I/O panel.
I presume you ask because the system won't boot only when the I/O shield is installed? It's possible if a grounding tabs is making contact with a component or a connector in that area, but it rarely occurs.

Yes, i have been having intermittent no-POST problems and the I/O shield didn't line up with the connectors. I noticed that a couple of those fingers is out of place and when i bent a couple of them away from the motherboard, it booted fine. But i just didn't know if that was coincidence or not. I breadboarded it and it worked every time. I was just wondering if it's possible for the i/o shield to prevent booting.