I think I have a memory leak but im not sure


Mar 11, 2013
I dont know too much about computers but I know what a memory leak is, im just not sure if I have one, let me explain

A few days ago I was playing World of Warcraft and all of the sudden my frame rate slows to a crawl like 2fps even after closing the program which took forever just being on my desktop was painfully slow. This happened a few times, once or twice i got a BSOD and memory dump etc etc.

But if I reset my computer before I started wow I noticed that this usually didnt happen at all.

I decided to test a different game as Wow is the only game I have installed ( I just reformatted this computer and upgraded from windows 7 32 to 64)

so I installed Call of duty 4: world at war and it was amazing, no more then 10 minutes of playing the multiplayer the same low FPS issue would occur slowing me to an agonizing pace. This time i decided to leave task manager open to see if my physical memory would increase when I windows keyed out as the game was still running it was only about 34 %....

now if it was a memory leak wouldnt that number be a lot higher?
can someone help me out with what this issue might be...it only seems to happen with games.

I also did an Antivirus scan and nothing came up.
I have not installed anything new.
I updated windows after the problem began thinking it might be that my computer isnt up to date.

any ideas on what this might be if its not a memory leak, or if it is a memory leak how do I track it down and fix it.
A gpu or CPU over heat will also look like a memory leak as the system will slow down to save itself. Download hardware monitor look at your temps see if there fine. Make sure all of your fans are working. One issue with new gpu is to keep fan noise down they have the fan bios and drivers not kick the fan on till these cards start cooking. Myself I use msi afterburner set fan to max out at 60c to keep the gpu from cooking.

ok so I downloaded what you said it seems that this might be the answer I let hardware monitor stay open while I ran CoD and played for about 20 minutes when I started to slow down I hit my windows key and I saw that the CPU core#1 was 91 degrees celcius and core #2 was similar at 92. I reset the computer when I started it up again It was cooling down in the high 70's low 80's but it still BYODed me and did a memory dump im not sure what that means but im guessing the computer was still too hot even though I was just sitting at desktop. I have no programs running on start up either I use msconfig to keep em off. currently both cpu cores are in the 49-51 celcius area .

Now I havent gotten my head down in my tower yet but according to this program the CPU fan is spinning... icant imagine its even that dusty in there I cleaned out this computer of dust recently but ill check it again after work.

Any other solutions or tips will be appreciated but this bit of info has been great so far i've definitely ruled out bad ram