I think i need a PSU...and possibly an electrician.

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Nov 12, 2016
Hello guys, im back at it again hassling you guys for answers!

Anyways, I have an old house with subpar wiring.
I have 5 tenants living throughout my house I notice my lights dimming about 2-5 times a week.

Correct me if im wrong , I feel like my gaming PC may not be getting adequate power due to this slight choppiness in game that CANNOT fix ( and ive done everything to do so.) Could this be caused by low power in my house because its getting overloaded by my tenants?

Would a good quality UPS with Automatic Voltage Regulator help keep my outlet at a constant 120v output even when my lights dim?

Basically i want a good UPS ( around $175) that will constantly "top off" my power when its drooping.

Below are some UPS's with AVR ive been looking at . ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.


1.) https://www.amazon.com/APC-Battery-Protector-Back-UPS-BX1350M/dp/B06WD82BM8/ref=sr_1_6/133-7513287-2242507?ie=UTF8&qid=1529467108&sr=8-6&keywords=apc+unit&dpID=31B7Je5Ci8L&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

2.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0779LDRWZ/ref=s9_acsd_simh_hd_bw_b3Cto_c_x_3_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-3&pf_rd_r=M70Z5WY4C73C4ZHJC4K9&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=92dac3d0-4ad8-5e84-b87d-4a65ff94e801&pf_rd_i=764572


- 650w EVGA supernova g3
- i5 8600K
- MSI M5 Gaming Z370 Motherboard
- CoolerMaster Hyper 212 CPU cooler ( yes, it works great on the i5 8600k, i know im surprised too.)
Pure sinewave means there's a constant amount of electrical flow, looks like an ocean swell. Hybrid or square wave or synthetic wave use an artificial wave that looks like the crenelations on a castle. Unfortunately with that straight up and down wave, there's 0 volts at those short periods. Active pfc sees that as an interrupt or spike or other harmful affect and shuts the pc off. Older passive pfc could care less about the sinewave, so will work with either style ups. AVR isn't always pure sinewave and may still not work with active pfc.

My 2 pc's, 1 has Evga G2, other is old Seasonic M12-II. My Minuteman Pro 700 works great on the Seasonic, but has a simulated sinewave that doesn't work worth a dam on the active pfc Evga G2.

Well if the situation is as you say, the answer is to have another electrical circuit (another breaker) installed to your area of the house.

But unless the PC is restarting, I doubt that the electrical system is that bad. A good UPS would protect your system from brownouts and interruptions.
The 650w EVGA G3 is a great power supply. The system requirement for your graphics card is 500 watts. So I don't see a problem with your power supply quality or wattage.

The APC UPS are top quality. I would get the 1500 VA unit rather than 1350 VA. You are basically paying extra for the amount of time that you have to save your data and shut the system down before the power runs out.

Also note that this isn't a pure sinewave UPS. I've linked one below that is. Your power supply is most likely an active PFC power supply. You can gamble with a regular UPS or get one that is compatible with your power supply.


THANKS for the reply Terry. I have a few questions though.

What do you mean "get a UPS that's compatible with my PSU?

Does the UPS you linked have AVR? WHat the HECK is "pure sinewave" ?!

Any other ones you can recommend?

Again, thanks for your help!
Do a search on active PFC power supplies. Most modern power supplies now use this in their power supplies because it is cheaper and more efficient.

This is doesn't concern most people until you install a UPS. Using a regular UPS with an active PFC power supply can cause problems with the power supply. It can cause the problem that the UPS is designed to prevent (like shutting the system down). Also it may cause the power supply to degrade faster as well.

The "pure sine wave" term as it applies here refers to the type of power inverter used. It produces a cleaner more regulated AC electrical current. As such it puts less strain on electrical devices connected to it.

The two best known brands of UPS are APC and Cyber Power. APC is the better known brand, and is usually more expensive. Both have pure sine wave UPS models.
Pure sinewave means there's a constant amount of electrical flow, looks like an ocean swell. Hybrid or square wave or synthetic wave use an artificial wave that looks like the crenelations on a castle. Unfortunately with that straight up and down wave, there's 0 volts at those short periods. Active pfc sees that as an interrupt or spike or other harmful affect and shuts the pc off. Older passive pfc could care less about the sinewave, so will work with either style ups. AVR isn't always pure sinewave and may still not work with active pfc.

My 2 pc's, 1 has Evga G2, other is old Seasonic M12-II. My Minuteman Pro 700 works great on the Seasonic, but has a simulated sinewave that doesn't work worth a dam on the active pfc Evga G2.

With that Evga G3, you'll need to be careful and only buy a ups that says pure sinewave, or it'll be only a matter of time before the simulated sinewave trips the APFC and you just shut down.

If your lights are dimming, have an electrician check the mains panel. 9/10 times it's the service wires, especially the neutral, that are loose and no longer making a good connection. Also check each individual wire, including neutral bar, the wiring should be snug.
Thanks for your response. i never would have thought about t hew sinewave thing. SO, if i want a UPSthat has AVR on it i have to get one WITH pure sinewave?

Any recommendations for a UPS that will work with my G3?

Also, im definitely going to have an electrician look at my iring in my house, it way overdue.

Thank you

Wait, you meant to say - get the 1350VA rather than the 1500VA because it costs less and im only getting a small amount of battery life with the 1500, right? i think you said it backwards, correct me if im wrong

You're kidding right. Why did I waste my time answering your questions? You gave you the best answer to the last answer, and then changed it current last answer.

Figure it out yourself.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

UPS: CyberPower - PR1000LCD UPS ($319.95 @ Amazon)
Total: $319.95
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-06-21 07:28 EDT-0400

This is about what you should be looking at. If you look in the description, it's listed as a smart ups. That's the important part. Any of the ups you find will generally be simulated sinewave, even if they have AVR which is just automatic voltage regulation (means it'll stabilize the voltage without switching to battery unless necessary). The Smart ups use pure waveforms and are APFC compliant. You will see larger ups, might have really good runtimes on battery, cost half as much, but with an APFC psu, that just means they are overblown surge protectors, the psu will still shut down with power loss as it'll not run on the battery output of simulated sinewave.
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