Question I think my CPU might be cooked ?

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Jan 22, 2025

I've been using a Core i7-6700K for my gaming PC for the last 9 years. While it's definitely overdue for an upgrade, it has served me incredibly well. I’ve been able to play almost every game at 2K resolution—except for Star Citizen. This CPU has done its job, but now it’s 2025, and I think it’s time to move on.

Initially, I planned to repurpose this PC into a NAS to experiment with a home server setup. But now I’m having doubts. Recently, while watching a Super Mario speedrun, my PC fans suddenly ramped up to full blast. The strange part? The PC felt stone cold to the touch.

I checked Task Manager and saw my CPU usage was only at 18%, which was what I expected. But when I checked the core temps, all cores were running around 30°C—except for the first core, which was averaging 75°C. That was concerning.

To troubleshoot, I cleaned the PC thoroughly, dusted it, and reapplied new thermal paste. Unfortunately, that didn’t fix the issue. At this point, I think my CPU might be cooked, and I’m not sure if there’s any saving it.

If anyone has suggestions or ideas—whether for troubleshooting, repurposing, or advice on an upgrade—please let me know.
Yes he did. Scroll up to the imgur screenshot he posted. He used both monitoring programs. Only Open Hardware Monitor is reporting some odd ball and incorrect temperature information.
Well, you're right, he was, except it doesn't matter for our needs, because it doesn't affect the real readings. And for the future, don't use it. It sucks. Use HWinfo or CoreTempt. Only. Here's why.

Just sayin'.

Monitoring software

HWmonitor, Open hardware monitor, Realtemp, Speccy, Speedfan, Windows utilities, CPU-Z, NZXT CAM and most of the bundled motherboard utilities are often not the best choice as they are not always accurate. Some are actually grossly inaccurate, especially with certain chipsets or specific sensors that for whatever reason they tend to not like or work well with. I've found HWinfo or CoreTemp to be the MOST accurate with the broadest range of chipsets and sensors. They are also almost religiously kept up to date.

CoreTemp is great for just CPU thermals including core temps or distance to TJmax on older AMD platforms.

HWinfo is great for pretty much EVERYTHING, including CPU thermals, core loads, core temps, package temps, GPU sensors, HDD and SSD sensors, motherboard chipset and VRM sensor, all of it. When starting HWinfo after installation, always check the box next to "sensors only" and de-select the box next to "summary".

Run HWinfo and look at system voltages and other sensor readings.

Monitoring temperatures, core speeds, voltages, clock ratios and other reported sensor data can often help to pick out an issue right off the bat. HWinfo is a good way to get that data and in my experience tends to be more accurate than some of the other utilities available. CPU-Z, GPU-Z and Core Temp all have their uses but HWinfo tends to have it all laid out in a more convenient fashion so you can usually see what one sensor is reporting while looking at another instead of having to flip through various tabs that have specific groupings, plus, it is extremely rare for HWinfo to not report the correct sensor values under the correct sensor listings, or misreport other information. Utilities like HWmonitor, Openhardware monitor and Speccy, tend to COMMONLY misreport sensor data, or not report it at all.

After installation, run the utility and when asked, choose "sensors only". IF you get a message about system stability you can simply ignore it and continue on WITH the option to monitor the sensor OR you can disable the monitoring for THAT sensor and continue on based on the option it gives you at the time. If you choose to continue on, WITH monitoring of that sensor, which is what I normally do, and there IS instability, that's fine. It's not going to hurt anything. Simply restart the HWinfo program (Or reboot if necessary and THEN restart the HWinfo program) and THEN choose to disable that sensor, and continue on with sensors only monitoring.

The other window options have some use but in most cases everything you need will be located in the sensors window. If you're taking screenshots to post for troubleshooting, it will most likely require taking three screenshots and scrolling down the sensors window between screenshots in order to capture them all.

It is most helpful if you can take a series of HWinfo screenshots at idle, after a cold boot to the desktop. Open HWinfo and wait for all of the Windows startup processes to complete. Usually about four or five minutes should be plenty. Take screenshots of all the HWinfo sensors.

Next, run something demanding like Prime95 (With AVX and AVX2 disabled) or Heaven benchmark. Take another set of screenshots while either of those is running so we can see what the hardware is doing while under a load.

*Download HWinfo

For temperature monitoring only, I feel Core Temp is the most accurate and also offers a quick visual reference for core speed, load and CPU voltage:

*Download Core Temp

Ryzen master for Zen or newer AMD CPUs, or Overdrive for older Pre-Ryzen platforms (AM3/AM3+/FM2/FM2+)

For monitoring on AMD Ryzen and Threadripper platforms including Zen or newer architectures, it is recommended that you use Ryzen master if for no other reason than because any updates or changes to monitoring requirements are more likely to be implemented sooner, and properly, than with other monitoring utilities. Core Temp and HWinfo are still good, with this platform, but when changes to CPU micro code or other BIOS modifications occur, or there are driver or power plan changes, it sometimes takes a while before those get implemented by 3rd party utilities, while Ryzen master, being a direct AMD product, generally gets updated immediately. Since it is also specific to the hardware in question, it can be more accurately and specifically developed without any requirement for inclusion of other architectures which won't be compatible in any case. You wouldn't use a hammer to drive a wood screw in (At least I hope not) and this is very much the same, being the right tool for the job at hand.

As far as the older AMD FX AM3+ platforms including Bulldozer and Piledriver families go, there are only two real options here. You can use Core Temp, but you will need to click on the Options menu, click Settings, click Advanced and put a check mark next to the setting that says "Show Distance to TJmax in temperature fields" and then save settings and exit the options menu system. This may or may not work for every FX platform, so using AMD Overdrive is the specific, again, right tool for the job, and recommended monitoring solution for this architecture. Since these FX platforms use "Thermal margins" rather than an actual "core/package" temp type thermal monitoring implementation, monitoring as you would with older or newer AMD platforms, or any Intel platform, won't work properly.

For more information about this, please visit here for an in depth explanation of AMD thermal margin monitoring.

Understanding AMD thermal margins for Pre-Ryzen processors

*Download Ryzen Master

*Download AMD Overdrive

Also, posting screenshots, when requested, is helpful so WE can see what is going on as well and you can learn how to do that here:

How to post images on Tom's hardware forums

Yep, we know from Core Temp (and before that MBM from 1998) that every CPU model has an offset or fudge factor.

Nearly 70°C at idle is pretty bad for watercooling. See if the pump reads 0rpm in NZXT CAM software (you'll need a screenshot of that if you are still within the 6 year warranty) as they do die.
It seems that your PC is constantly running elevated clocks (~4GHz). Most definitely abnormal unless your PC has been running a virus check or a bot farm for the past hour. Clocks should settle down after a few minutes, and CPU usage should be less than ~3% on an idling PC.

Time for an OS reinstall?

Or, if you are still in diagnostic mode, you could run Ubuntu from a USB stick, go to the command line / terminal and enter lscpu | grep MHz (perhaps several times). If the clocks settle down, you will know it is probably a Windows problem.

Needless to say, make sure your system BIOS is running at default settings.
Actually, from about Skylake on, this isn't necessarily true depending on how things are configured in the BIOS. Mostly this is about Intel Speed shift technology. When Speed shift is enabled changes in clock frequency tend to happen so quickly that monitoring software basically can't keep up so it simply seems to remain at full clocks even though it isn't. You can verify if this is the problem by disabling Speed shift in the BIOS and looking at it again. You can enable or leave enabled Speed step, because it works differently and doesn't cause this issue when looking at monitoring data.

That being said, it is of course possible that that isn't the cause HERE for the clocks remaining that high, considering there are other indicators present that it might be actual real world clock frequency. I'd check with it off though to make sure you're not barking up the wrong tree, first.