Question i want to upgrade my pc with LGA 1150

May 12, 2019
Hello forum..
i want to upgrading my pc for gaming, and i dont know which component need to upgrade first. i hope anyone can help me

this my pc spec :
mobo : MSI H81M-E33
proc : Pentium G3260 3.3Ghz
vga : AMD Saphire Radeon RX 560 4GB OC
RAM : 4GB (2x2GB)
SSD : 120GB
HDD : 500GB
Psu : 500w 80+ Bronze
H81 Chipset motherboards use the LGA 1150 socket.The H81 release date was June, 2013.

The Z97 Chipset is the best Chipset for LGA 1150. It's release date was May 2014. Although no longer in production, you can find them on eBay for sale in the used marketplace.
PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2 GHz 6-Core Processor ($118.40 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($75.71 @ Amazon)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $274.10
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-05-12 15:37 EDT-0400

You'll pay that much or more just to get a decent lga1150 i7 and 8gb more ram
this is very helpfull, thanks for that