I would like the "my computer" folder to open at startup.


Jul 10, 2013
I have one of three external HDs (a 3TB WD MyBook) which turns on and spins at startup, but will not show up on "my computer" until I unplug it and plug it back in. It does not do this EVERY time, about 50/50. What annoys me is that the drive spins for HOURS until I notice that it isn't showing up on "my computer", at which time I unplug/plug, and then it shows up right away. Perhaps I am identifying the wrong issue, but if I could simply have the "my computer" screen launch at startup, I would be immediately reminded of the drive's status. Right. Maybe I am treating the symptom and not the problem. What do you folks think? I started with this thread: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/57271-63-computer-opens-automatically-startup
So you do want explorer to open at startup? Doesn't that other thread say you don't want it open? I would suggest disconnecting the drive and restarting the computer. Only after the computer boots, then connect the drive. It should install the appropriate drivers so that it's recognized any time it's connected.
So you do want explorer to open at startup? Doesn't that other thread say you don't want it open? I would suggest disconnecting the drive and restarting the computer. Only after the computer boots, then connect the drive. It should install the appropriate drivers so that it's recognized any time it's connected.