I'm going to buy a new entry-level gaming pc and i need help. Will i need a better graphics card or a better processor? The i3 4150 combo is also cheaper than the GTX 960.
When gaming you need both a good processor and a good gpu. However as you are not looking to play graphics intense games, I think a i3 would be fine. And then if you only want to play at low resolution a 750Ti is all you need....you can always upgrade your gpu later as a i3 can run high end gpus but be aware that future games will work much better on a quad core.
I want to play in high resolution. If i combine i3-4150 and 750ti + pentium g3240 and gtx960oc, which one will have higher framerates? (let's say on a game that is not cpu or gpu intensive)
I'm sure you would get higher frame rates with the Pentium and 960oc. BUT you will have no upgrade options as the cpu will be at it's limit. The other way around gives you...
Because everybody says so xP . I might save up a little more just in case i want an i3-4150 + gtx960oc combo 😛
lol, yes we did. If you can afford a better gpu (and don't be afraid of AMD, their gpus are better than their cpus), you'll have a much better gaming system that should last you for several years. Good luck with it all.
I might afford a better AMD gpu with the same price but there's 2 cons that everybody always talks about AMD gpu.
1. It's hot
2. High power consumption rate
Are those 2 statement true?
I might afford a better AMD gpu with the same price but there's 2 cons that everybody always talks about AMD gpu.
1. It's hot
2. High power consumption rate
Are those 2 statement true?
Yes, but does that matter? I have two AMD graphic cards, a cheap R7 250 in a 6 year old computer and a R9 290X in my main computer. Both are Asus cards, the cheaper 250 never gets above 65C. My 290X can get up to 85C and this is with the direct CUII cooler which is meant to have 220% more cooling than reference. But as I said does that matter? I'm using a 600W psu with an i5 4690, some may say my psu is barely enough, but I once put a power meter on it and it never peaked at more than 450W input. So I don't see that my gpu is costing me an arm and leg to run and while 85C may sound high it's still well within what the gpu was made for.
For some reason i felt like Nvidia is better. Even though i know both have theirs pros & cons, but the Nvidia sounds like the way to go.
Well that's up to you, I have had NVidia GeForce cards in the past and they were fine. Only reason I went for my R9 290X was because it was almost $100 cheaper than a GTX 970 at the beginning of the year.
South East Asian. Specifically Indonesia. USD to IDR rate is : $1 = Rp. 13.322 . Numbers are pretty huge here, since the exchange rates are getting higher, it also means computer parts prices are rising up quickly.
South East Asian. Specifically Indonesia. USD to IDR rate is : $1 = Rp. 13.322 . Numbers are pretty huge here, since the exchange rates are getting higher, it also means computer parts prices are rising up quickly. Used to be only around Rp. 10.000 - Rp. 11.000 but now it rises huge.
I'm not American either, I'm from New Zealand but I usually try to talk in American dollars as it's what most understand. Our exchange rate is much closer at US$1 = NZ$1.40 😀
Ok, I don't know anything about prices in Indonesia, maybe there is no difference between NVidia and AMD. Out here AMD is cheaper, but not as cheap as 6 months ago.
As I said earlier, if you think NVidia is the way to go, then that's up to you. I have no issues with any of their products, in fact I think the 750Ti is the best card out there that doesn't require an extra power connection.