i3 4150+Gtx 960 or I5 4460 +gtx 750ti which one ?


Jan 27, 2016
Hii Everyone ...Just wanted To knoe..which combination is better....i am going to buy either ...gtx 750ti +i5 4460 or Gtx 960+ i3 4150...pls suggest me which one is better....i want to Play Games Like Far cry 4 /Gta5/Ac Unity!Ac Syndicate/Fallout 4 Etc ...pls help me to choosd best Thanx in advance...and will i3 is going to run these games?.my monitor is Vga one...resoloution ..1366×768p
I would buy i3 + GTX 960 as it would give better game play. So i would suggest get i3 and the GTX 960.
Always buy the best gpu you can afford, that will ensure best gameplay your budget can offer.

Also you typed the question wrong. Check.
Yes, i3 should be able to handle 768p easily and you're going to save a lot but i think you should consider getting an i5.
The i5 6400 is priced almost same as the 4460 and only slightly higher than the i3 6100
No doubt the 6400 is much better choice

Once you get a monitor with better resolution, then you can upgrade
Thank You all I would take i3 +gtx 960 .....i believe it is easier to sell processor and get another one than to sell graphic card i will ...take i3 because you all are saying it has hyper threading and can run most games well and which i have metioned also .