i3-6100 with gtx 750 ti, or a8 7600 with gtx 1050 ti?


Sep 4, 2013
Currently have a gigabyte A78h motherboard and an a4 6300. (Used for school, enjoyed myself with CS 1.6, Redalert 2, and Battlerealms)
was given a GA H110M-h ddr3 from my big bro's friend after the rich kid upgraded to a Z170 with i5.
On a $230 budget (xmas-bday savings), was wondering which is the better choice for gaming on a ASUS VE228H 21.5" Full HD 1920x1080 monitor..
The intel i3-6100 with gtx 750 ti? or AMD a8 7600 with gtx 1050 ti?

notes: will just re-use my pair of 4gb hyperx fury 1866.
p.s. Will highly likely play games like LoL, CS:GO, DOTA 2, Overwatch, Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Farcry 4. (currently have Skyrim and FarCry 4 DVDs from local sale)
p.p.s. NO PLANS TO UPGRADE for about 5 years... can't consider upgrading after.. must finish college and then med school, then save for a new car. Lol.
Probably by that time, they'll probably have released 7nm CPU and GPU processors.
The ideal one would be the i3-6100 and GTX 1050 Ti. I know you'll need a BIOS flash, but consider the Pentium G4560 (which is now hyperthreaded and at 3.5 Ghz!) with a GTX 1050 Ti.

I would stay away from the A8. That thing's processing power is less than that of a Celeron.

Heck yeah! I read about the pentium G4560 and it looks very very desirable, though I can't seem to find one at newegg or amazon. Always out of stock.. except for when waiting for dinner to cook, my patience is quite limited.

Is it true though that the i3 can't run Farcry 4? the cheapskate who sold me the FC4 DVD plays it, and skyrim on low-med settings with playable fps on his A8.

The FarCry series is not very well optimized, and one of the startup requirements is 4 THREADS. That being said, the i3 possesses 4 threads, but in truth it is a dual-core. Some people have had success, some have not. It's really a lottery...