i3 6th Gen vs i5 6th Gen Question HELP !!!


Sep 17, 2015
Hello ,
I want to buy a new budget CPU for 1151 socket and I can't decide ... (I Only want to play GTA V Online nothing else)
I am thinking about i3 6100 , in my country this cpu has 136 Euros or i3 6320 .
On the other hand i5 6400 has 207 Euros but I don't know if it is worth it
Help Please
Thanks for your time ,

It's worth it ad GTA V is CPU intensive and can definitely use 4 cores, especially while gaming online. Go for it without a doubt adn also go for the i5 6500. teh price difference is minimal and the 500Mhz frequency difference is definitely worth it. No-brainer.
I also might have an even better option for you. Where do you live btw and how much can you find an Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 tehre for?



It's wishful thinking from rayzaldy's part.
Man, please stop giving bad advice.

peformance /price wise cdabc is right the i5 6400 is really worth the monies for gta 5

Well this would be the absolute best you can get for your money for GTA V Online.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($239.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: *ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($61.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $301.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-30 09:52 EDT-0400

It's equivalent to an i7 4770.
But if you can't afford it, don;t sweat, the i5 6500 will do. Just don't go loweer than that for that game.

i5 6500 is significanly better in the price/perf department

Okay really thanks for your help . So i5 6500's performance is going to be much better than the i3's ?



Okay 😀 So I am going for i5 6500.
One more question , saw a video on youtube and a guy was testing i3 6100 vs i5 6400 with gta v and they haven't got so much difference with the FPS . Why ?


no. it is a dual core cpu with no hyper-threading that will struggle to run anything but a VERY small amount of games. it is only a viable option when they cant get their budget past a certain point or they only want to do afew things on the pc. that cpu dosnt meet the minimum reqs for 75% of games . additionally its single core isnt very high and i could recommend a 70$ xeon that games better

Maybe they were limited by the GPU. Look, the difference should be between 20 and 30% medium FPS in offline gaming, and even more while online(these figures are obtained on test benches. real world, with other stuff runnign in the background, the difference might be more).
But here's a pro tip: medim framerates are alot less important that minimim ones, and that's where the i5 really proves it's worth. Less annoying frame dips/stuttering etc. This is valid for any game.

an i3 and a Pentium are not in the same category the i3 can run games fine and it a MUCH better cpu and since you like benchmarks so much here ya go


No offense. But that's a PassMark benchmark

Okay 😀

Please do not take offence, this is just a piece of advice: rather than flaunting your poor understanding of hardware, gaming and how benchmarks work, you'd do well to learn a few things on this forum.
No knowledgeable and in their right mind indovidual would pair a pentium g with a 970 or 390 unless all he wanted was to play CS:GO and otehr such games. Ask around.
Like i said, please don't take offence.

Teh lower teh resolution, the more you will be limited by the CPU and not the GPU 😉