[SOLVED] I5 2500k (4.2) and overlocked GTX 980 can't run Battlefront 2 on LOW?! Is it my HDD?


Dec 19, 2019
Hi guys,

As the question suggests, I'm trying to play Battlefront 2 on my older PC build. Sadly it's just not happening, even on low settings it's unplayable. When I check my GPU/CPU I find threads with people saying they can easily run the game, so I'm a bit lost why my build can't even play it in the lowest quality setting. Unless it's my old HDD? Build info below, I'd appreciate any suggestions:

CPU: I5 2500k overclocked to 4.2
GPU: GTX 980 overclocked a bit
Momory: 2x4gb samsung
HDD: 7200 barracuda

User Benchmark report:


Thanks in advance
It's interesting one game is fine while the other has issues. What is the difference? Installed on different drive? Different render path? Different system requirements? Look into that.

From what I see your drive is loaded to 100%, and your ram to nearly 90%. I'm not sure if the 100% drive has anything to do with it but it could be slowing down as it's waiting for data. Try to free up room or defrag if needed. You only have 8GBs of ram and BF2 might need more? According to this, 8GB is the minimum while 16GB is suggested.

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I thought it was odd. I mean bf2 is 2 years newer so probably has higher requirements. But I don't think that explains the game being unplayable on all settings.

I only have one 500gb HDD that I've defragged recently so it's not that, it has 100gb free or so as well. It's tricky, I'm not sure if I should look into an SSD boot drive or to updrage the RAM...
Thanks for the reply guys, I'm going to try find a used pair of the sam 2x4gb ram sticks to bump it up to 16gb. At some point I will get a new MOBO and SSD and get ddr4 faster ram. I've found a pair of the same RAM I have for £20 so I'll give that a go first though
It’s the 8gb RAM. You can see very high RAM usage and this will cause the system to cache to the HDD and the HDD is very slow compared to RAM.

You were right! Doubled up on the RAM and it works great now. I'll probably update the SSD soon as my HDD is terrible slow, but the game is now playable. Thanks again :)