Yea Pentiums are decent for budget gaming. The 2500k will definitely bottleneck . I had a 2400 and a gtx 760TI nearly bottle-necked it. you can get a I7 3770 for like 250 in a SFF dell or like 150 by it's self. DDR3 ram is cheap, but it has limited support and any 7 series mobo is hard to find, especially with more than 2 back usb 3 ports. Anything haswell is still expensive. You could wait for ryzen 5 or 3, but i'd say if you want more HP, you can get a ivy bridge i7 or i5, else you can get the pentium and save up for a i7 6700 or something. Plus, you can sell the pentium for like 50 USD on ebay when your done. Just be sure to get a 3MB cache skylake or kabylake pentium if you choose that, since IPC inprovements are your friend there. As far as an i5 3570 or i7 3770, there are some used mobos on ebay if you dont buy a prebuilt dell or something, and even though they are mostly all used, most of them work great. Every mobo I've bought has worked well.