i5-3350p GHz jumping alot (PLZ HELP)


Mar 24, 2014
so i have a used i5-3350p and i am running intel processor diagnostics program and my cpu seems to me jumping for 3.1(where it is supposed to be) all the way to 4.3GHz and im starting to get worried something may be wrong? if you need anymore info plz ask. temputure dosent go over 60 and i do not have nor use any overclocking programs
Good now run AIda64 or OCCT Linpack, or Prime95, and see where the frequency goes. It should land at 3,1 GHz. When You run Prime at one core only, it should land and 3,3 GHz at max.

i have a h61mhb for biostar and where would i find the overclocking thing in bios? and the cpu is 3.1 stock with 3.3 turbo(max) so would i turn off intels boost technology?

i had to update the bios to get the cpu to work...and how do you load defaults?

http://prntscr.com/5a5mre screenshot of cpu-z i do not know how to tell...kinda a noob...everything look ok?
janostak - in BiOS there's a general option "load setup defaults". Btw. Your motherboard shouldn't have the ability to run Your CPU at 4,3 GHz even if You modified FSB.

As mouse24 suggested, try to double check with Aida64, OCCT, and some other monitoring softwares. You can see the CPU "act" in action with both Aida and OCCT [Linpack - Infinite]

http://prntscr.com/5a5mre here is a screen of cpu-z...what should i be looking at?

should i run prime95 stress test or how does this program work?
janostak - I'd do it as follows. Run CoreTemp, and put it to the left of the screen. Run CPU-z and put it next to it to the right, I'd run speedfan [for chipset] and put it to the right of CPU-z, and I'd run after Prime95, first I'd go default test with all cores/threads, and than I leave only one core/one thread/two threads selected.

And am I looking for the speed/temp to be right or? And whats a good corevoltage?

Mines usally at .9 and jumps to 1.1 sometimes tht ok?


on speccy/realtemp/cpu-z/core temp i havent seen it go over 3.2 but the intel program still says over 4 sometimes

i idle around 30-35 except core 2 which is usally at 20-25 for some odd reason but once i start doing stuff it saty the same as the other 3 cores....and i dont think ive ever been above 60-65 un running prime95

current temps: http://prntscr.com/5att7s

what temps/vcore should i look out for and why is tht one core running so much cooler then the other 3 in idle? any ideas?
The one core is running so much cooler because a) the TiM under the iHS might be spread out badly, which it also may not, since at burn it works well b) bad sensor interpretation of that core at lower temps.

Officially the CPU shouldn't get past 67.4°C, and throttling temp is from 98-100°C, but I suggest You stay under 65°C. If You hit 70-75°C, somethings wrong.

Vcore shouldn't get past 1,2 volts. 1,25 is getting bad, 1,3 is bad. Of course, this applies only to stock settings, not when You OC, but You don't OC so...

70 is bad under a full load strees test like prime95? most people told me to stay under 90 so im not to close to tjmax

and this thermal paste thing...how do ik if i have it right i changed it yesterday cause i put to much the first time and i THINK i got it perfect this time but anyway to really tell?