i5-3470 Bottleneck GTX 1080?


Jun 24, 2016
Hey guys!

My current specs are:
CPU - Intel i5-3470
Motherboard - Gigabyte b75m-d3h
PSU - 650w
GPU - GTX 670

I'm planning on buying a GTX 1080 Phoenix GLH Gainward, and am concerned that my current setup will not be up to the task. I plan on playing the latest games @ the best graphical fidelity. Also dipping into some Video editing for Youtube.

I currently use a 1080p, but am eager to upgrade to 1440p @ 144Hz some time this year.

A appreciate any help you guys can provide! Thanks heaps.
If you really want to get the best from the 1080, then you will need a CPU upgrade. The i5-3470 was good 4 years ago, but it's a bit under-powered now. If you don't upgrade you will still get good frame rates, but you won't be getting the maximum possible, so it's up to you to decide if you want an upgrade. As for 6600k vs 6700k, if you want to future proof yourself for a bit longer get the 6700k, but either one is good for now.
Id say the either the 1070 or 1080 are a great choice for 1440p/1080p @ 144Hz. As for CPU its going to be good but pushing high fps increases the load on the cpu a lot, unlike increasing resolution or detail which makes negligible difference. In some cpu heavy game I'd expect you may be limited by you cpu a little at those high fps

Thanks tons for the help! I'm definitely keen to game @ 1440p & 144hz. So based on what you guys recommend.. Should I upgrade my CPU or not? Given that I 'will' be playing @ 1440p. If i can avoid it, awesome. But if i need it, to makes the most of the 1080, i absolutely will.

& if i must, should I go for a i5-6600k or i7-6700k? :)

Thanks again fellas!
If you really want to get the best from the 1080, then you will need a CPU upgrade. The i5-3470 was good 4 years ago, but it's a bit under-powered now. If you don't upgrade you will still get good frame rates, but you won't be getting the maximum possible, so it's up to you to decide if you want an upgrade. As for 6600k vs 6700k, if you want to future proof yourself for a bit longer get the 6700k, but either one is good for now.

Nope,not true.
If you have good MBO you can overclock it with BLCK and multiplier to 4 GHz and it is still a beast.