I5 3570k 4.4 voltage


Nov 1, 2012
Hello, i have done my first oc. And i'm not sure if this is correct. I was able to oc my cpu to 4.2 on default V. After more testing (and i'm still testing) i have been able to get 4.4 @ 1.16V. From what i have read shouldn't it be more like 1.2? Haven't had any crash yet, did all the tests in p95 and temps got to 80 in those tests. With normal use (gaming) i'm getting about 70. Using a evo 212 cooler with the paste that came with it. Am i doing something wrong or am i Lucky with my Voltage? And temps are 70 seeing my room is pretty warm without any heating
That voltage is not bad, and you can pretty much use it 24/7 with these settings. If you'd like, you can buy some better quality thermal paste, I can recommend Arctic's MX-4 because it's good value for money.

80°C is not bad, but it could be better. You can install a second fan and do a push-pull configuration if you have the brackets to mount a second fan.
Sorry to necro my old post. And that i haven't replied anymore. ( i actually forgot i posted this...) . But as time passed i tweaked my oc a little bit. I am now running 4.5 @ 1.18V. Ran a custom p95 torture test (ram set to 13GB) for an houre and a half, no errors or warnings. Max temp it got was 72°. I did reinstall my cooler after the 4.4 oc.

So for the experts on here. Should i be able to run this all the time? The cooler is a evo 212. And what about he voltage, it looks like its to "low" compared to other peoples oc's with the 3570k.