I5-4590 to I7-4790K with GTX 1070


Jan 5, 2017
I am currently debating whether I want to upgrade my current CPU (I5-4590) to a I7-4790K. I am not able to jump to LGA 1151 yet due to money constraints, but want to see if getting this processor would help out with FPS gains in games. In most games I can get up to 100+ FPS, but sometimes dip under 60 FPS (1080P). Is it worth it to upgrade I7-4790K with GTX 1070?

Games I primarily play: TF2, CS GO, Battlefield 1, Overwatch
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4590
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070 (MSI)
SSD: Adata SP550NS38 480GB
HDD: Seagate FireCuda SSHD 1TB (2016)
RAM: G.SKILL Ares DDR3 1600 C10 2x8GB
MBD: Asus Z97-C
PSU - Corsair - CSM 650W
EDIT: A new question would be, is the jump to LGA1151 worth the money, or just get the I7 4790K?

I would say do it.
The 4590 is at 3.3Ghz and the 4790K can overclock to 4.5Ghz.
That will be a noticeable improvement.
The i7 with 8 threads vs an i5 w/ 4 gives you more headroom for multitasking (streaming, content creation, etc.).

I plan to get the same CPU soon.
The mileage you get from a 4590 to a 4790k is going to vary. Some games, like Battlefield 1, you would see a significant boost. Other games that are not as CPU bound, not so much. So I guess it depends on what games you play.

I will say this, the 4790k is still an excellent CPU and as far as gaming performance, it is only a couple percentage points behind the 8700k and 7700k. So moving up into one now is still a good idea and you should be able to find a decent deal on the second hand market.

Thanks for the answer; other games I mainly play is CS GO, TF2, and Overwatch. I was also wondering if the Jump to LGA 1151; getting a 7700k is worth it, or just go for the I7-4790k?

LGA1151 motherboard + i7-7700K is only 2-5% better than a i7-4790K.
I won an ASUS Z170 motherboard and had it in my hands but sold it because the upgrade made no sense financially.

An odd thing about the i7-4790K is there are no bargains available. The price is the same as it was 3 years ago. I guess it is such a good CPU, that it is holding it's value. Even used CPU's cost $300 or more. I have been looking at ebay for 3 years and the prices never drop.

That would be your choice.
If you can find a good deal on a 4790K then yes. The best I could find on a buy it now listing with a good rated seller is this.

I would also consider another option of selling your CPU, board and memory and buying the latest hardware.
The 6 true cores of the i5 8600K should last you a long time.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8600K 3.6GHz 6-Core Processor ($279.89 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG - H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($34.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock - Z370 Extreme4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($156.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($122.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $594.75
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-11-05 08:22 EST-0500

Think about what your saying 6 true cores VS 4 true cores with hyper threading.
Also read my Post I simply gave 2 options.
I would also consider another option of selling your CPU, board and memory and buying the latest hardware.
The 6 true cores of the i5 8600K should last you a long time


Here is a review of the 8600k from Tech Powerup. The 8600k beats or ties the 7700k in just about every game.


But the scores are very close together. Considering there is not much of a difference between the 4790k and the 7700k, it is just not worth the cost of a platform upgrade.

If I were building a new system today, it would be difficult not to go with the 8600k/8700k. But I would not build a new system with a Haswell CPU. The gains are just not enough. The 8th gen Intel CPUs are perfect for Sandybridge owners. I would go with the 4790k for another year or two and hope that PCIe 4.0 and/or DDR5 will be avaialble for those generation platform.

It will also be interesting to see what AMD can do with Zen. The next couple of years could be the golden age of CPUs. Ryzen started the a new war and the 8th gen is Intel's first hit back.